5 ideas for assembling a homemade electric heater

We keep talking about homemade electrical appliances, and our new master class touched on electric heaters - things that are very useful in everyday life, which more than once saved many in the winter. In fact, to assemble a simple heating element at home is not difficult even for an inexperienced electrician. It is only necessary to have with you some improvised tools available to everyone, and the scheme by which the assembly should be carried out. The following are some interesting ideas with photos and video examples, according to which you can make a do-it-yourself heater for your home, garage and even a car!


Before assembling home-made heaters, you need to understand that these devices are sources of increased danger, if improperly assembled and used, they can lead to fire and fire. Therefore, they should in no case be left unattended, and use should be carried out with caution. Particular attention should be paid to testing the device: they must be carried out away from flammable objects.

Idea No. 1 - Compact model for local heating

The easiest way to make an electric heater is this one. To get started, prepare the following materials:

  • 2 identical rectangular pieces of glass with an area of ​​about 25 cm2 each (for example, 4 * 6 cm);
  • a piece of aluminum foil, the width of which is not more than the width of the glasses;
  • cable for connecting an electric heater (copper, two-core, with a plug);
  • paraffin candle;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • sharp scissors;
  • pliers;
  • wooden block;
  • sealant;
  • several ear sticks;
  • clean rag.

Materials for the manufacture of the device

As you can see, materials for assembling a home-made electric heater are not at all scarce and can be at hand for everyone. So, you can make a small electric heater with your own hands according to the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Wipe the glass thoroughly with a cloth from dirt and dust.
  2. Using a pair of pliers, gently take the glass by the edge and burn one of the sides with a candle. The soot should evenly cover the entire surface. Similarly, you need to burn one side of the second glass. It is first necessary to smoothly warm up all the glass so that it does not burst from a sharp temperature drop.
  3. After the glass blanks have cooled, gently with the help of ear sticks, clean their edges no more than 5 mm around the entire perimeter.
  4. Cut two strips of foil exactly the width of the smoked area on the glass.
  5. Gently apply glue to the glass over the entire burnt surface (it is conductive), being careful not to damage the soot layer.
  6. Lay the pieces of foil as shown in the photo below.Then apply glue to the second half and connect them.Heating element design
  7. Then seal all joints.
  8. Using a tester, measure the resistance of a homemade heater yourself. About, how to use a multimeter, we told in the corresponding article. After that, calculate the power of the element using the formula: P = U2/ R. If the power does not exceed the permissible values, proceed to complete the assembly. If the power does not suit you, you need to redo the heating element - make the carbon layer thinner or thinner (the resistance will become less if it becomes thicker and vice versa).
  9. Glue the ends of the foil to one side.
  10. Make a stand out of the bar by placing pads connected to an electric plug on it.Small homemade electric heater photo

Here, using this technology, you can make an electric mini heater with your own hands. The maximum heating temperature will be about 40about, which will be enough for local heating. However, such a homemade product will certainly not be enough for heating a room, so below we will provide more powerful options for home-made electric heaters.

Idea No. 2 - Mini heater from a can

Another original model of a home-made electric heater, which is suitable for local heating in a garage or room. All you need to build is:

  • can of coffee;
  • 220/12 Volt transformer;
  • diode bridge;
  • cooler;
  • nichrome wire;
  • square textolite with a side equal to the diameter of the can;
  • drill with a thin drill;
  • soldering iron;
  • power cord;
  • push button switch.

This instruction is even simpler and you can make an electric heater from a can with your own hands in 1-2 hours. First, remove the foil from the PCB and cut out the middle in it, as shown in the photo below:

PCB frame

After that, using a drill, it is necessary to make holes diagonally. We fix nichrome wire of a certain diameter and length into the holes (we provided the calculation of length separately in the article: https://our.electricianexp.com/en/raschet-nihroma.html) We calculate these parameters by Ohm's law for the chain section (U = R * I). Then we fasten the wires.

Spiral installation Wire connection

We connect a transformer, a diode bridge, a cooler, a nichrome wire and a switch in one circuit. We need a diode bridge to power the cooler, since it requires constant voltage.

Connection of circuit elements

We mount the fan in a jar using glue, after which we fix the textolite as shown in the photo:

Fan mount

Mounting the heating element

We put all the elements of a home-made electric heater in the jar, drill holes in the lid and check the operability of the device!Build Summary

If you want to make a more powerful device with a spiral, we recommend watching the video lesson below:

Overview of a homemade electric heater with a power of less than 2 kW

Idea # 3 - Economical infrared heater

So we move on to more powerful electric heaters, which can easily be done independently at home. To make an infrared heater, we need the following materials:

  • 2 sheets of plastic, each 1 m square2;
  • graphite powder, ground to a flour fraction;
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • two copper terminals;
  • a cord with a plug for connecting to a 220 Volt network.

So, you can make a DIY infrared heater yourself according to the following instructions:

  1. Mix graphite with epoxy glue in a ratio of 1 to 1 (more in the article: https://our.electricianexp.com/en/tokoprovodyashhij-klej-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html).
  2. Apply the finished conductive mixture on one side of the plastic, zigzag, as shown in the diagram:Scheme of a homemade infrared electric heater
  3. Stick the second sheet on top and wait for the glue to dry.
  4. Attach the terminals on both sides of the electric heater.
  5. Connect the cord to the terminals and proceed to the homemade test.


By the way, in order to make the design more durable, it is recommended to place the infrared heater in a wooden frame, which can also be done with your own hands.Before connecting, do not forget to check the resistance of the device and calculate the power, otherwise the plastic may start to smoke and even catch fire! Therefore, during testing, closely monitor the heating.

Idea No. 4 - Oil device

Another model of the device that is recommended to be assembled for garage heating or other outbuildings in the country. All you need is an old battery, tubular heater, oil and plug. You will also need a welding machine, welding skills and some free time. The photo below shows one of the options for a homemade oil heater.

Homemade oil cooler for home photo

A tubular heater is installed at the bottom left, and an oil drain / fill plug at the top. Simple design of an electric heater, which will be enough to heat a small room.

The video below clearly shows how to make an oil heater with your own hands:

Overview of oil cooler made from improvised tools

Idea No. 5 - Automotive Electric Furnace

Well, the last option of a home-made heater is a device operating from 12 Volts from the car's on-board network, which can be used to heat the interior of your own car. For assembly you will need the following materials:

  • case from the old power supply from the computer;
  • nichrome wire;
  • residues from floor tiles;
  • fasteners: bolts, corners, plates.

Making an electric heater for a car yourself is not so difficult. It is recommended to view the assembly process at the master class in photo examples:

The disadvantage of such a heater is the increased risk of fire in the car, because nichrome wire is practically unprotected. In addition, you need to correctly calculate the power of the device so as not to damage the wiring of the car. Ohm’s law will help you with this.

That's all the ideas for assembling a homemade electric heater. As you can see, a simple electric device can easily be made from various materials at hand, it would be a desire. If you liked the workshops, share the entry with your friends so that they also know how to make a heater for their own home, garage or car!

It will be interesting to read:

Overview of a homemade electric heater with a power of less than 2 kW

Overview of oil cooler made from improvised tools

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