Home Resistor Testing Technology
An instruction that describes how to test a resistor for operability with a multimeter. Methods for checking a resistor at home and the reasons for its failure.
An instruction that describes how to test a resistor for operability with a multimeter. Methods for checking a resistor at home and the reasons for its failure.
Kirchhoff's laws for electric circuit and magnetic circuit. What is the first and second law of Kirchhoff. Methods for calculating DC and AC circuits.
Ohm's law for a section of a chain and a complete chain, in differential and integral form. How easy it is to remember Ohm's Law and where it applies. Formulas for calculating the chain.
How to convert amperes to kilowatts and watts. Formulas and table with which you can quickly translate the current strength into power and vice versa. Examples of calculations.
Joule-Lenz law in differential and integral form. The wording is legal and its application in practice. How to find the resistance of a conductor.
What is the rule of the gimlet, as well as the rules of the right and left hand. A short and clear explanation in simple words. Putting the rules into practice.
How many watts are in one kilowatt of electricity. How to convert kilowatts to watts and vice versa. Formulas for converting power units.
What is phase, zero and earth in an electrician. Why do we need a phase, zero and ground wire. Definition of concepts in simple words.
Graphs and formulas showing the dependence of the resistance of the conductor on temperature. The effect of heating metals, liquids and gases on their resistance.
What are dielectric losses in dielectrics, how do they arise and what do they depend on. Overview of instruments for measuring dielectric loss.
How to determine the capacitance of a capacitor with a multimeter. The main methods for determining the capacitance of an electrolytic and ceramic capacitor.
What is the transition contact resistance and because of what it arises.The contact resistance of the contacts and the methodology for measuring this value.
The device, principle of operation, purpose and main types of fuses. Find out what these devices are for and how they work.
How to properly remove radio components from the board so as not to damage anything. The method of evaporating capacitors, transistors, resistors and other circuit elements.
The main types and types of electrical circuits, their purpose and characteristics. Examples of structural, functional, circuit, wiring diagrams.
Conditionally graphic and letter designations in electric schemes of apartments and private houses. Find out what and how is indicated on wiring diagrams.
How to check a field, bipolar or composite transistor with a multimeter? Instructions for dummies to check the transistor at home.
How to check the capacitor for operability with a multimeter at home. Ways to test the polar and non-polar capacitor.
Why do you need to tin wires and how to do it at home? Learn all the details of tinning copper with a soldering iron, solder and flux (rosin or acid).
Not sure how to solder wires? To your attention, instructions for soldering wires in the junction box, on the circuit board and LED strip.
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