How to assemble a vacuum cleaner after repair

How to assemble a vacuum cleaner after repair

I disassembled the vacuum cleaner to clean, I do not understand how to assemble the electrical circuit back. Tell me which wire to connect to, the colors are the same as in the real scheme.

Home Resistor Testing Technology

Home Resistor Testing Technology

An instruction that describes how to test a resistor for operability with a multimeter. Methods for checking a resistor at home and the reasons for its failure.

How to connect tubular LED lamps

How to connect tubular LED lamps

If I connect tubular LED lamps to each other and in the event that one lamp burns out, will the network be interrupted? Is it possible to connect them with one contact?


Ohm's law in plain language

Ohm's law for a section of a chain and a complete chain, in differential and integral form. How easy it is to remember Ohm's Law and where it applies. Formulas for calculating the chain.

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