Workshop on the creation of a manual chipper

So, if you decide conduct covert wiring during repairs in the house, it is necessary to cut grooves under the cable laying in the walls, also called gates. To do this, you can use a special tool, but its cost is quite high for a one-time use. It will be much more profitable to make a wall chaser with your own hands, by slightly modernizing the grinder, which will probably be found in the arsenal of a home master. Read on how to make a simple, but at the same time easy-to-use home-made tool for wall chipping.

Simple homemade

To begin with, we will provide simple instructions in the pictures for the manufacture of a wall chaser on the basis of a Bulgarian do-it-yourself. In this case, you will need the grinder itself, an additional nut and two diamond blades for concrete.Disassembled Bulgarian with two discs

The assembly consists of two simple steps, namely:

  1. We install the first disk as usual, carefully pulling it with a nut.Securing a single disc
  2. After the nut, we fix one more disk and again we pull it with the nut.Two disc mountFinished toolGrooving

The result should be a design capable of simultaneously performing two parallel cuts at the same distance.

We draw your attention to one important point - if the thread is not enough to fully tighten the last nut, it is better not to risk using this homemade product. In this case, instead of a nut, you can use a metal ring of the same diameter but smaller width or a set of several washers. The latter option is convenient in that you can adjust the width of the groove depending on the selected cable section and their number.

That's the whole instruction for creating a chamfer from a grinder with your own hands. The disadvantage of this option is that all the dust will spread around the room and worsen working conditions, so it is necessary to wear respiratory protection. That is why it is recommended to make a more modernized version - with a protective cover, which we will talk about later.

Overview of the model with a casing

Advanced tool

So that all dust is immediately removed during the gating of the walls, you can equip your home-made shtroborez with a vacuum cleaner. The suction hose is fixed above the cutting part, thereby instantly picking up the so-called "dust cloud". You can buy a modernized casing, or you can do it yourself. In the first case, you will give a considerable amount of money for the part, which can be collected individually individually for your tool.

Advanced Tool Diagram

In order to make a shtroborez with a vacuum cleaner, you need to take consumables and turn on your imagination. There are many ideas for assembling a casing from a metal pipe, a durable pan, and even a plastic container. We recommend that you look at the photo of the idea in order to gain inspiration and make your own version of the casing with a dust extraction:

We draw your attention to the fact that the pipe should be installed on top of a home-made chisel cutter.This is due to the rotation of the cutting wheel, just with this arrangement of the suction hose, all dust will immediately be removed from the working area.

An interesting idea for making

If you nevertheless decided to make a protective casing on your own, we recommend that before creating a pipe, measure the diameter of the hose from the vacuum cleaner so that when attaching it, the outlet does not hang and at the same time can normally enter the seat. Also do not forget that to connect such a model of a homemade wall chaser, you need two sockets located nearby. In this case, we advise you yourself make an electrical extension cord on two outlets specifically for this type of work.

Consider another homemade device

When working in this way with a vacuum cleaner, its filter will often clog so that this does not happen, we recommend making a homemade cyclone filter. With it, there will be much less trouble when performing work on wall chipping.

Manual model for working with aerated concrete

Well, the last thing I would like to talk about about this topic is the use of a special chipper for aerated concrete and foam blocks. The principle of operation of this tool is to scrape off a certain amount of material due to its softness and friability. This tool allows you to easily make grooves for laying the cable manually, without electricity.
Manual model If your house is built of aerated concrete and you decide conduct electrical wiring in the house, we recommend not to waste your time making home-made tools, but just buy a finished product from the manufacturer. The cost of a manual model does not exceed 500, which is not enough if you take into account the amount of work throughout the premises. If you still want to make a manual wall chaser for aerated concrete, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video assembly instructions:

Hand tool making

So we talked about how to make a wall chaser with your own hands from a grinder and improvised means. We hope that the information was useful and interesting for you. Be sure to watch the video examples to find out about all the intricacies of making homemade products at home!

Similar materials:

Overview of the model with a casing

An interesting idea for making

Consider another homemade device

Hand tool making

(8 votes)


  • Alexander

    Hello! what brand, and most importantly power advise you to buy a vacuum cleaner?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! Here is an article in which we all described in detail - In short - it all depends on your needs. For example, a 1800W vacuum cleaner from Samsung is enough for me. This model has been working for about 8 years and has never failed, and this already says a lot. Otherwise, up to 2 kW of equipment is enough, the companies are Samsung, Zelmer, Philips or LG!

      To answer
      • Vladimir

        Hello! Otto Bismarck is credited with the phrase "If you want to build socialism, choose a country that you do not mind." Household vacuum cleaners are not designed to suck in “building” dust - ditch this unit. However, the master is the master.

        To answer
        • Pavel

          Filter cyclone to help you!)))

          To answer
          • Alexander

            Well what nonsense. Even a professional construction vacuum cleaner clogs with concrete dust, and you are talking about household ones. Bagging was still used everywhere (I used the Samsung, a powerful one, I don’t remember the model, I shook the bag out every 5 minutes), but the cyclone filters will clog in a minute (I tried this one too).

  • Vladimir

    Hello! Quote: "... having slightly modernized the grinder, which should be in the arsenal of every man." The quoted statement seemed too categorical to me.Angle grinder is a dangerous power tool and requires certain skills in its use. Well, I don’t have the “angle grinder” in the arsenal, and because of this I don’t feel flawed, “every man has lagged behind the engine”. I believe that “which should be in the arsenal of every man” should be removed.

    To answer

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