5 best grounding calculation software

We continue to consider the best software for electricians, and in this article I would like to dwell on a review of programs for calculating grounding. Before proceeding to installation of the grounding circuit in a private house or in a substation, the first thing to do is to calculate the protective earth resistance, as well as the number of electrodes and the length of the horizontal ground electrode. In addition, the calculated data regarding the cross section of the GZSH, the main PE conductor, and even the calculation of step voltage are useful. All this can be done using special programs, which we’ll talk about now.

"An electrician"

The first software product that I would like to consider is called Electric. We already talked about him when we considered the best programs for calculating cable cross-section. So, the Electrician can easily cope with the calculations of the parameters of the grounding circuit. The advantage of this product is that it is quite easy to use, Russified and also has the ability to download for free. You can see the program interface in the screenshots below:

All you need to do is set up the initial data, and then click on the button “Contour calculation”. As a result, you will get not only a detailed calculation procedure with the formulas used, but also a drawing that will show the finished ground loop. As for the accuracy of the calculation work, here we recommend using only the latest versions of the program, because in outdated versions there are many shortcomings that have been fixed over time. If you need to calculate the grounding contour for a private house or more serious structures, for example, a boiler room or substation, we recommend using this product.

Grounding calculation in the Electric program is shown in the video:

"Calculation of grounding devices"

The name of the second program speaks for itself. Thanks to it, it is possible to calculate not only the ground loop, but also lightning protection, which is also extremely necessary. The interface of the program is quite simple, in fact, as in the analogue considered above. The form for filling out the initial data looks like this:


If you need to perform the simplest calculation of the grounding loop right now, you can use our online grounding calculator. The accuracy of the calculations is of course inferior to the software products provided in the article, but nevertheless you will get approximate values, which you should focus on.


Another software product whose name speaks for itself. As in the previous two programs, this can be sorted out without problems, because The interface is simple and presented in Russian. The latest version of the program (v3.2) allows not only to calculate the memory, but also to evaluate the possibility of using the reinforced concrete foundations of industrial buildings as a protective circuit.In addition, the program can help you choose the cross section of the GZSH, PE-conductor, as well as the conductors of the potential equalization system. Another useful feature of the product is the calculation of touch voltage and step voltage. You’ve already seen the interface a little higher; it looks like this:

The fact is that the creators of this program are also the creators of Electric, so you can download one of the products provided in the assortment.

ElectriCS Storm

A more complicated program to use, which requires modeling skills, is ElectriCS Storm. It is not advisable to use it for calculating the grounding circuit of a house, because you are likely to get confused and calculate everything with errors. We recommend working with this software for energy professionals or university students with overlapping specialties.

The advantage of this software product is that it is possible to design a grounding device (grounding device) and thereby output a 3D model of ready-made protective circuits. In addition, the functionality of the program allows you to calculate the electromagnetic environment and grounding of substations.

All drawings can be saved in dwg format, so you can then open them in AutoCAD.


Well, and closes our list of the best programs for calculating grounding, the energy system software package called "Shark", thanks to which you can calculate:

  • grounding devices;
  • lightning protection;
  • characteristics of protective devices;
  • voltage losses up to 1 kV;
  • power of facilities, as well as electric boilers and air conditioners;
  • section of wiring;
  • indoor illumination;

The interface is also intuitive and presented in Russian:


"Shark" is available for free download, so finding it on the Internet is not difficult. Finally, we recommend watching a very useful video on the topic:

This concludes our review. We hope that the provided grounding calculation programs came in handy and helped in organizing the protective circuit.

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