Description of the characteristics of the VVG cable
Labeling Explanation
First of all, let's talk about what the letters VVG mean. The abbreviation is decrypted quite simply: a copper cable (the letter A does not indicate aluminum in the first marking), B is the insulation of conductive wires made of polyvinyl chloride, B is the outer sheath also made of PVC, G is bare (no armor).
There are also varieties of cable, namely:
- VVGng - during group laying, the burning of the cable line does not extend (in the classic version, as in the photo above, the flame does not spread only with a single laying);
- VVGNG-ls - in addition, manufacturers took care of reduced smoke and gas emissions;
- VVGng-hf - even if the conductor lights up, it ensures the absence of corrosive gaseous substances during combustion;
- the prefix “fr” means that the insulation is fireproof (to be more precise, an additional thermal barrier is provided, which is presented in the form of a winding of two mica-containing tapes).
So that you know how each type of VVG cable is decrypted, we bring to your attention a table:
By the way technical characteristics of VVGng we reviewed in a separate article, which we recommend that you familiarize yourself with if you decide to conduct electrical wiring in a wooden house!
Design Features
Now consider what the VVG cable consists of. So, the conductor design is provided in the picture:
In addition, I would like to note the following:
- The material of the conductive core is copper, which can be either single-wire or multi-wire. It is important to highlight this feature - if the conductor marking has an additional prefix “p” (VVG-p), then the cable is flat. If there is no prefix, then the product is round, respectively.
- The insulation of the conductive conductors, in fact, like the shell itself, is made of polyvinyl chloride plastic compound (PVC). Wire insulation is standard color marking. Zero is blue, grounding is yellow-green, the remaining wire is phase.
The construction is considered in detail in the video example:
main parameters
So we went on to the main issue of the article, in which we consider the technical characteristics of the VVG power cable. So, the most important parameters of a copper conductor:
Other technical characteristics of VVG copper cable, namely: nominal and minimum insulation thickness, long-term current rating, as well as core resistance, are provided in the tables below:
We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the existing sections of VVG and its weight for each individual cross-section:
So we examined the most important characteristics of VVG. Now it remains only to find out where this conductor can be used and which manufacturers produce the highest quality products of this brand of cable products.
Scope and purpose
The VVG cable is designed to transmit and distribute electricity in stationary electrical installations designed for an alternating voltage of 660-1000 V at a frequency of 50 Hz.
As for the scope, it can be used for laying:
In other words, the scope of the VVG cable is limited only to laying in the ground. Indeed, due to the fact that there is no armored layer, it is not allowed to lay this conductor in a trench without additional protection (for example, pipes). In this case, it is better to use armored cable VBBSHV or its analogues.
As for domestic needs, VVG is used for wiring in walls, cable channels and even on the street (it is recommended to protect the corrugation). If you decide to use this brand of cable for electrical wiring in a wooden house, then consider the important point - for wooden structures it must be laid in a metal hose, corrugation or non-combustible cable channel.
As for the cross sections, for the lighting group we recommend choosing the marking 3 * 1.5, for sockets 3 * 2.5, and for connecting a stove or other powerful household appliances 3 * 4, which can withstand power up to 8 kW, which is quite enough.
Top manufacturers
Now we will consider an equally important question - from which manufacturer's factory would you rather choose a VVG power cable. In our opinion, the following plants produce the highest quality products at the best price:
- Sevcable;
- Camcable;
- Kolchuginsky plant;
- Power cable;
- Pskovkabel;
- Podolskkabel;
- Moskabel.
If you doubt the declared and actual characteristics of cable products from these manufacturers, we recommend independently determine the cross-section of the wires in the shop. How to do this, we described in the corresponding article on the site.
The video below demonstrates the quality of cable products of various production:
So we examined the technical characteristics of the VVG cable. By the way, the analogue of this conductor is a foreign brand - NYM, which costs a little more, but otherwise is not very different from a domestic product. It is fair to consider aluminum analogue AVVG.
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