What is pipe resistant and how to install it yourself

For the arrangement of the input of electricity into the cottage, garage or cottage, normative documents are allowed, and organizations involved in the supply and control of electricity consumption strongly recommend the use of a pipe rack. This name was given to a special design designed to install an electrical panel under the counter with an introductory machine. This topic is especially relevant for the power supply of sites under construction. Not every homeowner knows how to install this device correctly. The installation of a pipe rack under the counter on the site will require the sequential execution of a number of simple operations, it is also important to take into account the rules and regulations, which we will discuss later.

Choosing an installation location

Before choosing a place on the site for installing a pipe stand with a shield, in order to avoid violation of the technical conditions for connecting the facility, you must carefully study the information on this issue that this document may contain. The distance from the support to the insertion device (to the pipe stand) according to PUE-6 (chapter 2.4. Clause 2.4.12) should not exceed 25 meters, but in PUE 7 in the same chapter 2.4., but clause 2.5.19 says that the length of the branch should be determined by calculation and depends on: the strength of the support, the height of the suspension of the wires of the branches on the support and on the input, the number and cross-section of cores. Therefore, in most cases, adhere to the "old" 25 meters.

Placing a metering board on a site

There is another option for installing a pipe rack on the roof (shown in the diagram below), but we do not consider it in this article. If it is interesting, write in the comments, consider the option with a roof.

Entering electricity through the roof

Design, dimensions, source material

The requirements for the design of the pipe stand for the meter are the same, both for a single-phase 220 Volt network and for a three-phase 380 Volt input. This device is not difficult to manufacture and install on the site, you can do it yourself in the conditions of a home workshop. For the manufacture of pipes, you can use a profile pipe 80x80 mm with a wall thickness of 3 mm, you can also pick up a pipe with a circular cross section. If for some reason there are no pipes at hand, and the situation requires an immediate arrangement of the input, a metal corner with a shelf width of about 80 mm or a T-beam can be used to make the rack.

The question of how to lay the cable along the pipe rack (inside or on the surface) should be agreed in advance with the network organization or another organization that will accept the work and connect to the overhead line. There is a possibility that, in order to avoid possible unauthorized connection to the mains supply to the meter, internal laying may be prohibited.

A sketch of a general view of a rack from a profile pipe 80x80 is shown in the figure. In the dimensions, such parameters as the depth value - (WITH) should be about 1.5 meters, and the height of the shield - (b), according to Chapter 1.5 of the EMP Clause 1.5.29 shall be in the range from 800 to 1700 mm. The total length of the workpiece for pipea) must be selected depending on the situation, strictly adhering to the following conditions. Height of passage of the lead-in line above the ground for SIP cable must be at least 2.5 meters. If an uninsulated wire is used for input, in accordance with chapter 2.4 of the Electrical Code of Clause 2.4.55, this parameter increases to 2.75 meters. The height of the rack will be increased if the input passes through the road. If you comply with the standards, in this case, the distance from the surface of the roadway should be at least 5 meters. Depending on this, the total length of the structure, taking into account the recess (and) must be between 4 and 7 meters.

Tubing drawing for electricity metering board


  1. Bracket for attaching a tap to the power line.
  2. Steel plate that protects against water entering the profile pipe.
  3. A hole for the input of the cable diverted from the power transmission line.
  4. Steel strip for the installation of an electricity metering cabinet.
  5. Cable outlet hole.
  6. Grounding bolt.

Having determined the pipe resistance height, it is necessary to weld or fasten two brackets from a metal strip or corner (4) to it, on which a shield will be attached under the counter, the holes in which are drilled depending on the size of the cabinet.

Fixture for a guard

If the shield will be fixed on the rack using the factory retaining tape, these structural elements are not needed. To prevent rainwater from entering the pipe to its upper end, it is recommended to weld a steel plate (2) to which the SIP cable mounting bracket will be attached (1) A hole is cut in the top of the structure (3), through which the branch cable will be inserted for laying along the inner cavity of the pipe. This is to prevent wiring from mechanical damage. The hole (5) is necessary for the withdrawal of the electrical conductor from the pipe and subsequent entry into the cabinet. A bolt or stud with a thread is welded below the installation site of the shield, which will serve as the point of connection of the rack and cabinet to the ground loop. After the assembly of the pipe is completed, it is recommended that the structure be cleaned of rust, coated with soil or lead red lead, and painted before installation. That part of the structure that will be hidden underground is additionally treated with bitumen and or covered with heat-shrinkable material.

Painting racks

Pit preparation

Digging a hole with a depth of more than one and a half meters is very laborious, therefore it is better to use a drill for this purpose. The stand is installed in the pit, after which it is filled with soil or gravel with mandatory tamping and checking the vertical with a spirit level or plumb. If it is possible to pipe pipe it is better to pour cement mortar or concrete, but at the same time should be given at least a day, necessary for the formation of the mortar.


In parallel with the work on preparing the pit for the rack, you should think about arranging the ground loop. According to the requirements of the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE), the pipe rack and the cabinet mounted on it must be grounded. As an earthing switch, you can use a corner inserted vertically into the ground to a depth of 1.5 meters, but in some cases this solution is not functional and does not meet the requirements for grounding resistance. Contact specialists on this issue.

It’s difficult to drive a pipe or corner to such a depth, so there will be a need to dig or drill, so it makes sense to combine earthwork to prepare the pits for the rack and for the ground electrode.

Connection of an electric panel

Before mounting the shield on an installed pipe rack, it is assembled. An electric meter is installed in the cabinet, an input automatic device in accordance with the rated current load, zero tire, which must be connected to the grounding point provided for in the design of the switchboard. For information on how to split a PEN conductor into PE and N, read the article: https://our.electricianexp.com/en/kak-razdelit-pen-provodnik-soglasno-pue.html.

After assembly, the cabinet is attached to the rack structure. Installation of the metering board on the support can be made using special fasteners that can be included. Then it is necessary to ground the shield and pipe stand. To do this, use a jumper to connect the cabinet to the ground bolt (6), which in turn must be connected to the ground loop.

Grounding pipe resistant photo

The cross-section of grounding conductors must comply with table 1.5 and paragraph 1.7.127 chapters 1.7. PUE:

Ground wire cross sectionAfter graduation shield assembly and grounding the metering cabinet, it is connected to the power line, for which, as a rule, a self-supporting wire with SIP aluminum conductors is used. The process of connecting to overhead line wires is complicated and unsafe, therefore it is better to involve an experienced specialist to carry it out. On the pipe stand, SIP is attached using special anchor clamps to the bracket (1). Using this type of fastener allows you to provide the necessary cable tension

Fastening the SIP wire to the support

To prevent atmospheric precipitation from getting inside the shield, cable lines are inserted into it only from below.

Cable entry into the electrical panel

From the house to the pipe rack, the cable can be laid underground in the pipe or without pipe (if you use armored VBBSHV), lay a regular cable (type VVG) through the air on a cable.

Finally, we recommend that you watch the video installation instructions for the rack for the input of electricity to the site:

Now you know how do-it-yourself pipe installation can be done under the meter on the site and what are the requirements for installation. We hope the information provided was useful and interesting for you!

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