Overview of Fluorescent Lamp Characteristics

This article will tell readers our.electricianexp, what is a fluorescent light bulb, what is its operating principle and advantages compared to alternative options. Looking ahead, I would like to immediately note that this version of the light source carries a certain danger, if suddenly energy saving lamp will break. That is why first we recommend that you carefully study the technical characteristics of fluorescent lamps, on the basis of which to weigh the pros and cons regarding the choice of this option.


The device of the fluorescent lamp has some similarities with the design incandescent lamps and halogen products. It consists of a sealed flask and electrodes.

Product Components

The flask is filled with an inert gas and a small amount of mercury (up to 30 mg). The inner walls of the flask are coated with a phosphor, which converts ultraviolet radiation into light visible to humans. Electrodes are installed on both sides of the bulb (at the ends). The design of the electrode is the same tungsten filament to which the contact legs are passed, which allow electric current to pass through. The principle of operation is as follows - with the passage of electricity, the electrode heats up and ultraviolet radiation occurs, which, passing through the walls of the bulb, is converted into a visible light stream.


Technical characteristics of fluorescent lamps:

  • power range of products - from 15 to 80 W (for general purpose);
  • rated voltage - 220 and 127 V;
  • the temperature of the tungsten filament - from 2700 to 6500 degrees (Kelvin);
  • light output - can reach a record 104 Lm / 1 W (average from 40 to 80 Lm / 1 W);
  • socle size - 14 mm (minion E14) and 27 mm (standard E27);
  • the diameter of the flask is mm;
  • service life - from 10,000 to 40,000 hours;
  • the efficiency exceeds 20%.
Characteristic of energy-saving light bulbs


We bring to your attention the main types of fluorescent lamps:

  • linear
  • compact.

Linear fluorescent light sources are used for lighting industrial and office buildings, as well as sports grounds. Their feature is high power and high light output. In addition, these products are able to save up to 30% of the consumed electricity, which is their main advantage.

Linear bulb shape

Compact or in other words energy-saving lamps (CFLs) are used for general purposes. They have a specific design represented by a curved bulb. Products are used not only during installation of lighting in the apartment, but also for decorative window dressing, as well as disinfection of hospital rooms. The main advantage is high light output and a long service life.

Energy saving light source


Today there are several markings of fluorescent lamps, now we will consider each of them.


Domestic marking is represented by an alphanumeric abbreviation, which is deciphered in the picture.

Factory marking of Russian manufacturers

The first letter "L" is a lamp.

The second letter is the characteristic of the light flux (D - daylight, HB - cold white, TB - white, EB - naturally white, B - white, UV - ultraviolet, G - blue, C - blue, K - red, F - yellow, Z - green).

The third letter is the color rendering quality (C - improved quality, CC - especially high quality).

The fourth letter is a design feature (A - amalgam, B - quick start, K ​​- ring, P - reflex, U - shaped).

The number after the letters is the power in watts.

We draw your attention to the fact that in the marking of a fluorescent lamp abbreviations such as LHE and LE can be present, which means natural light and cold natural light.

Product Specifications


Foreign marking on the flask

Foreign marking is presented in this table:

Foreign labeling specifications

As you can see, instead of the alphanumeric cipher, a three-digit number is used, as well as a definition in the form of a simple signature in English (for example, the brand cool white means cold light).


Energy-saving fluorescent bulbs have a lot of advantages, therefore, in the world market of light sources, they take second place after the leaders - LED products.

The main advantages are:

  1. High energy-saving indicators, in which they are superior to incandescent lamps;
  2. Good light quality and light output;
  3. A wide variety of products for special and general purposes;
  4. Long service life (an order of magnitude longer than halogen lamps).


Among the disadvantages of fluorescent lamps are:

  1. Increased cost of products;
  2. Harmful effect on human well-being during prolonged use of artificial lighting. Moreover, such housekeepers are harmful to the eyes;
  3. The service life is noticeably reduced with frequent on / off light;
  4. Fail with voltage drops (must be additionally installed surge protection device);
  5. The light intensity cannot be adjusted with a dimmer;
  6. It is forbidden to use in dusty and humid rooms (for example, when installation of electrical wiring in the bath);
  7. Poor performance at low temperatures;
  8. If the flask is broken, mercury can adversely affect the human body;
  9. They require specialized disposal, which may not be present in every city.

As you can see, these products have more shortcomings than advantages. Nevertheless, with proper use, all the flaws immediately “fly off”, leaving only the main advantage - high energy-saving properties.

Application area

Today, "housekeepers" are used wherever possible: for home lighting, for window dressing, street lighting. In addition, these light sources are widely used in the creation of television sets, as a plasma screen belongs to the group of luminescent light sources.

Economical table lamp

The most appropriate area of ​​application of fluorescent lamps is the lighting of large areas: stadiums, playgrounds and even the yard in a private house (as shown in the photo). This is due to the fact that such products have high light output and at the same time they will turn on once a day.

Stair lights

So we figured out the technical characteristics of fluorescent lamps, as well as the pros and cons of their use. We hope that this information was useful and interesting for you!

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Characteristic of energy-saving light bulbs

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