Modern methods of transmitting readings of electricity meters

Each month, each of us pays utility bills. To accrue them, companies that provide electricity, water and gas supply services should know how much you have used their resources. In this regard, it is important to timely transmit meter readings. In this article, we will consider modern methods of how to transmit meter readings (for example, via the Internet or a terminal).

What will happen if you don’t transmit the readings of electric meters

Electricity consumers must monthly transmit meter readings in order to correctly calculate the payment. Otherwise, the amount of payment will be calculated according to the average consumption of the house, and then according to the standards prescribed in the contract.

If after a long break you pass the testimony, then the company supplying you with electric energy (power supply or management company) makes electricity recalculation. Moreover, if you have consumed less than you paid in previous months, then you will be charged an overpayment, which will be spent in the following months. Otherwise, you will be in arrears. However, remember that sometimes you need to write an application for electricity recalculation.

Who and when should do it

Energy sales controllers can take readings from meters located in an area accessible to them, for example, on the landing, on the facade of private houses and on poles from which the cable is connected and connected. The latter option is often found in cottages. If the meter is installed in your apartment, the controller can not always access it.

Some owners simply do not allow the employee to the electricity meter, in other situations you can just be at work at the time the controller came. Moreover, by law, he has the right to check the counter once every 6 months. Therefore, take care of the timely transmission of meter readings.

How to take readings

Those who first encountered the need to pay utility bills and transmitting information from metering devices ask the question "what figures to write?" Let's figure it out!

Electricity meters can be of various types, both constructively (with a display and a drum counting system), and by the method of electricity calculation:

  • single tariff;
  • two-rate;
  • three-rate.

Single tariff meters have one column with the number of kilowatt hours, you pay one price for electricity consumption at any time of the day. In two-tariff devices, consumption is divided into two parts: day and night. Accordingly, in the three-tariff category, the peak zone (day), half-peak (after lunch) and night are divided into three categories.At the same time, the cost of 1 kW / h in each zone is different - at night it is several times cheaper. The actual cost depends on the region in which you live and the amount of electricity consumed.

In any case, all readings are recorded for all zones in order to subsequently report them to the power supply or the Criminal Code. When you go to the meter you will see something like the one shown below:

Electric meter display

To correctly remove data from the meter for their subsequent transmission, remember a few rules:

  1. Zeros in front of numbers are optional.
  2. Digits after the decimal point is a fraction of kilowatt hours, and there is no need to transmit them either.
  3. If you have a meter with current transformers, they are most often installed with three-phase meters, you should multiply the readings on the display by the transformation coefficient of the current transformers.

Comma in a counting mechanism

Current transformer

If the counter is reset, for example, you have a four-digit one and the last reading was “9910”, and now “0070” means you need to add “1” on the left. That is, at the moment you have wound 10070 kW / h, and from the last removal: 10070-9910 = 160 kW / h.

If the counter is changed, then usually at sealing meter the controller takes readings from the old device, and you are already transmitting the numbers from the new one. If you use the Internet to pay and submit information, then in some cases you have to wait for the update of data on the latest instrument readings.

You can learn more information about how to take readings from an electric meter from our separate article:

Methods of transmitting readings

So, have you already taken readings from the electricity meter? So it’s time to transfer them to an energy sales company or management organization on your own. You can find out from the landlord if you are renting an apartment, if you are the landlord, look with whom you have a power supply contract or just ask your neighbors.

What you need to transmit electricity readings:

  1. Personal account.
  2. Data from the counter.

Depending on who provides you with electricity, various methods of transmitting readings may be available, among them there are:

  1. Call a telephone hotline, call center or authorized specialist, or send SMS.
  2. Through the vibe.
  3. Via the Internet: Gosuslugi portal, website of a sales organization or management company, by e-mail, in a group on social networks, other applications and services.
  4. Through SBERBANK online.
  5. Through the terminal.

Let us consider each of them in more detail.

Important! Many people are faced with the problem “How to transfer testimony if you don’t know the personal account?”, The easiest way is to look at the receipt, it is usually indicated in the “LS” or “FLS” column.

Telephone communications

It is possible to transmit the readings of an electricity meter by telephone in different ways, for example, call or send via SMS.

You can find out the phone number from the receipt of payment for electricity or debt on it. You need to call the specified number and inform the operator of your personal account and current data from the electric meter display.

Using a mobile phone

In some cases, you will be sent to an answering machine and you will need to enter the same phone keypad data (whether mobile or landline).

If you can not or do not want to call - send data via SMS. To do this, you need to find out the number in the contract, from the energy sales employees or on the website of this organization and follow the transfer form, usually it looks like:


Where X - personal account numbers, and Y - readings.

Important! In SMS, sometimes it is required to enter the “#” sign in front of data from the meter. Check the correct form of transfer in the sales organization or on their website. If the meter is two or three-tariff - the amount of energy is indicated for each of the tariffs, according to the established template.

Sending testimony via SMS

Internet network (5 options)

Using the Internet, a modern person can significantly save time on everyday tasks.Including transmitting readings on the electricity meter.

Option one is the company's website. In most cities, energy sales companies have sites or general city sites with the ability to transfer data, obtain information about personal accounts and more. To do this, in general, you need to register, for which you will need to enter the following data:

  1. Surname first name and patronymic.
  2. Home address.
  3. E-mail address.

In some cases, you will be asked to provide other information. After that, open the section in your account and fill out the form with the readings of the counters for light, gas or water. Below is an example for Rostov-on-Don, then you need to select a specific company and enter a personal account.

Energy Sales Site

In the same way, you can transfer data through the Mosenergosbyt website.

Mosenergosbyt website

Transfer readings in contact

Option Three - Email. Sending information by email is very similar to sending an SMS message. It is also important to enter information in the prescribed form.

Attention! If the contents of the letter or SMS message does not meet the requirements of the organization, your data will not be taken into account, because the accounting system according to the template does this.

Option Four - "Public Services". The State Services portal provides many functions, among them there are services related to utility bills. To do this, you need to register and find the item “Apartment, construction and land” in the service catalog.

Government Services Website

With it, you can make a payment.

Payment of housing and communal services through public services

Option Five - instant messengers. The energy sales of some cities take readings through Vinber (Viber) or WhatsApp (vatsap) - these are two popular mobile messengers for free communication on the network. In the screenshot below, you see an announcement about such a service from the energy sales site in r. Komi, Syktyvkar.

Viber pass testimony

Other options

Modern banks provide online services to pay for communal services, for example, you can transfer meter readings through Sberbank online. You can do this on the website, using the services of the Internet bank or through the terminal.

The video below shows the transmission of readings through the terminal:

The same procedure can be done at the energy sales center by contacting an authorized specialist for recounting debts and other issues.

Now you know how to transmit meter readings via the Internet and other modern methods. We hope that one of the listed transfer options was a new useful discovery for you!

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