Tips for choosing an uninterruptible for home appliances

Uninterruptible power supply, UPS or uninterruptible power supply - equipment that allows you to protect home appliances: LCD panel, LCD TV, washing machine, refrigerator and even a gas boiler from power surges, as well as save your work on your computer, which means saving time and nerves . But it’s not enough just to buy a protective device, you need to choose a model that will meet the technological conditions of use. In this article we will tell readers how to choose a UPS for the house in terms of power, operating time and other parameters.

Type of execution

It is necessary to determine what problems with electricity most often occur. If these are frequent blackouts, then just select and install a redundant UPS. It is quite enough for saving documents, passing games, working with programs and correctly shutting down the computer.

Standby UPS

The disadvantage of this variety is the lack of a stabilizing device. As a result, when switching to backup power, a short power outage occurs. Therefore, it is important to choose high-quality models, since they are equipped with capacitors of sufficient capacity, and the harm from a short-term power outage is minimized. At the same time, the average price of a backup uninterruptible power supply in 2017 is about 4,500.

If, in addition to power outages, frequent power surges in the apartment, it is better to choose a linear-interactive UPS. The reason is that backup models are unstable to voltage surges due to which the storage device suffers, it will often have to be changed. This is due to additional financial costs.

Line Interactive Model

The disadvantage of a line-interactive UPS is the creation of network interference, which is launched into the public electrical network. Also a disadvantage of this variety is the high noise level during operation. This is approximately 40-50 dB, so if you want to choose a UPS for household appliances in the bedroom, bypass this option.

There is another kind of uninterruptible power supply - on-line. Power supply of devices is carried out directly from the charger, battery. This is 100% guaranteed that there are no unexpected power surges and network interference. The choice of such an uninterrupted device is associated with significant financial costs. Along with this, the consumer receives the following disadvantages:

  1. Low level of efficiency due to the double voltage conversion system. Simply put, this type is inferior to the other two in power.
  2. Quick wear of storage devices, batteries.

Double conversion device

Obviously, the line-interactive UPS is the best choice, since no one is safe from sudden power surges. They can lead to the complete loss of sensitive household appliances, electrical appliances and a home computer. It is recommended to choose a line-interactive variety for both office and home use.This is the optimal cost in 2017, which varies from 3300 to 1500, as well as a set of functionality.

Separately, one can distinguish a variety of uninterruptible power units that are installed on a gas boiler. This is necessary to ensure the operation of the circulation pumps. Without them, water circulation in the system is impossible, and, accordingly, the operation of the boiler.

To correctly choose a UPS for a gas boiler, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics, in particular, with the indicator of inrush currents and the power of the pumps. In terms of power, the uninterruptible power supply should exceed 2.5 above the above indicators. To ensure long-term operation of the gas boiler, it is necessary to buy models that allow you to connect additional batteries. It is best to choose an on-line uninterruptible for such purposes.


An important selection criterion is the capacity of the UPS. It is measured in volt-amperes, denoted by VA. To translate their more common indicator of watts, you need to multiply volt-amperes by 0.6. The result obtained is the maximum total power of the equipment that the uninterruptible power supply can withstand, because through it the voltage is supplied to the devices and equipment. For example, for a PC, you need to choose an uninterruptible power supply with an indicator of at least 500 VA.

In terms of power, UPSs are divided into three classes:

  • compact - up to 1000VA;
  • medium - 1000-5000VA;
  • large - more than 5000VA.

Accordingly, for a country house and apartment, it is better to choose the first two types, the latter is more suitable for enterprises where it is necessary to provide a large amount of equipment with stable electric power.

Attention! Before making the final choice, it is necessary to calculate the total load power of household appliances and equipment, which is planned to be connected to the UPS, add 20-40% to it and multiply by 0.6. The resulting figure will be the optimal indicator of the uninterruptible power supply, which will be expressed in VA. About, how to determine the power consumption of equipment, we told in a separate article.

Battery life

It is necessary to pay attention to the indicator of battery life. Optimal here is 5-7 minutes. It is understood that this time is enough for the PC to correctly complete its work. For the rest of the technology, just protection against power surges is enough.

There are models that can provide power to household appliances for 20 minutes, but such a resource will cost more than standard modifications. The right decision is to choose a UPS that provides the ability to connect additional batteries. This will significantly increase the battery life, but this option will also require additional costs, but not such impressive.

Attention! Indicators of battery life are on the packaging, box of the UPS or should be in the "Specifications" section of the online store.

Number of Outlets

UPSs are equipped with a different number of sockets from 1 to 8. The best option for a home is 4-6 sockets. It is important to consider another factor - the technical orientation of the connectors. They are:

  1. Euro - designed for connecting household appliances.
  2. Computer

Additional sockets

Some outlets can be oriented towards protection against network interference and not have a connection to the battery. This should also be considered when choosing an uninterruptible power supply.

The best manufacturers and models

It is equally important to choose the right UPS company, so as not to become a victim of low-quality fakes. To date, the following 3 brands are the best manufacturers of uninterruptible power supplies:

  1. Ipppon
  2. APC
  3. Powercom

If you buy a model from one of these companies, then a quality guarantee will be provided. In addition, we bring to your attention a rating of the best UPS in terms of price and quality, which can be purchased for home use.

From interactive models, you can advise:

  • APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS 750VA / 500W USB & Serial 230V
  • Ippon Back Basic 650 Schuko
  • APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS 1500VA LCD 230V
  • Powercom RAPTOR RPT-2000AP
  • CyberPower UT1500EI

Good customer reviews have received such backup uninterruptibles as:

  • Ippon Back Basic 650 IEC 5.0
  • Powercom SPIDER SPD-1000N
  • APC by Schneider Electric Back-UPS CS 350 USB / Serial

Well, with a double converter, we can advise 1 of 5 provided UPSs:

  • P-Com Pro 3S
  • Ippon Innova RT 1000
  • Powercom VANGUARD VGS-2000XL
  • EATON 9130 1000 BA
  • APC by Schneider Electric Smart-UPS RT 10000VA 230V

Other features

For home use, you can choose a device that has additional functionality:

  • Network status is displayed using LED indicators or LCD screens. The second option is more informative, since it displays the voltage indicator in the network and the charge level. Here the choice is determined solely by the preference of the buyer.
  • USB port Its presence allows you to connect a laptop or computer to the UPS and install special software that will automatically shut down the PC.
  • The presence of additional ports: RJ-11, RJ-45. They allow you to protect against network interference: modem, router, network card. This is a useful feature for the home.
  • Cold start function. Allows the use of household appliances and other electrical equipment without mains voltage. For example, boot a computer to send an important message or heat water, make tea, coffee or other hot drinks. This is a useful feature for homes as well as organizations.
  • Design. Here the choice is limited to a greater extent by color, since almost all uninterruptible rectangles are similar to cinder blocks or bricks.

Important!It is advisable to choose a model that allows you to change the batteries yourself. This will save time and money at service centers.

Well, and another useful tip - a combination of a surge protector and a stabilizer can become a self-made analogue of a UPS. This will protect household appliances from breakdowns as a result of power surges, if there is no money to purchase an uninterruptible power supply. Finally, we recommend watching a useful video on the topic:

The opinion of experts

We hope that now you know how to choose a UPS for the house according to the operating time, power and other, no less important parameters. Give preference to one of the models provided in the rating so as not to overpay and become the owner of a high-quality uninterrupted power supply.

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