Dielectric guard panels

The shield of electrical installations with a shield is used during repairs of electrical equipment and structures or during various tests. It is also used to temporarily protect and protect those parts in electrical equipment where current flows and there is an operating voltage above and up to 10 kV. In this article we will tell readershttps://our.electricianexp.com/en/ what kind of guard panels are in electrical installations, how to use these devices and how they are checked.

Basic requirements for fencing screens

Protective enclosure screens are made of wood, which is pre-dried and carefully treated with varnish or drying oil. In addition to wood, such structures are made of various electrical insulation materials. For example, they can be wooden or made of fiberglass.

Electrical Pillar

Wooden railing for electricians

Important! The structures of the enclosure have their own peculiarity: they are not made of metal materials and parts (neither in screed, nor in fasteners).

As for the appearance, the shield must be lattice or solid. In addition, it must be strong and stable, without deformation and so that it can not tip over.

As for the weight, the guard shield should be insignificant in weight. Since during its operation there will be situations when it will need to be transferred. Therefore, the weight must be lifting for one person.

Also, the protective fence has its own requirements and size. The limitation is as follows: the height of the screen of the enclosure should be from 170 centimeters and above. And between the floor and the bottom of the screen there should be a distance of up to 10 centimeters. Exceeding these parameters is prohibited.

Any shield or screen should contain a special inscription that warns of danger to life. For example: "Do not fit! Kill "," Caution! Tension "," Stop! Life threatening". Such inscriptions and posters must be firmly and securely attached to the surface of the structure.

Electrical Safety Signs

Examination and testing of shields

In order to launch a protective shield into the working process, there is no need to check and test it as such. It is only necessary to conduct a scheduled inspection of the structure only twice a year. Such an inspection should be carried out by a person who, by order of management, is engaged in checking and monitoring the good condition of the enclosure.

The employee, making the inspection, must check the following points:

  • reliability and strength of the connection parts and individual parts of the structure;
  • how stable and stationary the fence is;
  • presence of special electrical safety poster or sign.

After the inspection has been completed, the inspector must enter the result of his inspection of the structure into a logbook specifically designed for this. Example log:

No. p / p Surname, name, patronymic and position of the inspector  

Verification Date



Check Result (Notes)

Signature of the inspector

Important! The guard to be applied must be inspected immediately before use.

How to use the fence

The enclosure of electrical installations and equipment has its own rules for use. For their operation, it is necessary to adhere to a special distance from live parts to the dielectric shield itself. They are installed at the workplace, thereby protecting it from strangers.

Example! If the electrical installation has a passing voltage of 3, 6 and 10 kV, then the distance from the fence to the conductive installation should be 60 centimeters or more. If the voltage in the installation is up to 1000 V, then there is no certain distance, the main thing is that the fence does not touch the current-carrying installation.

The shield must be installed firmly and securely. Also, if there is damage in the electrical installation, they should not interfere and prevent workers from leaving the distribution structure.

The fence or protective shield that was installed in the process of preparing the place for work is forbidden to remove or move until the work is completed. He must remain in the same place until the work is completed. But there are exceptions. In order to rearrange or remove the fence for a while, you can use a special condition. This condition is stipulated in the special and separate instructions of the admission order.

You can learn about the other protective equipment used in electrical installations from this video:

So we examined the rules of use and the procedure for checking the guard panels in electrical installations. We hope the information was useful and interesting for you!

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