Simple ways to repair an electric heated floor

The cause of the malfunction of the warm floor can be a break in the heating cable, failure of the thermostat or temperature sensor. In all these cases, you can repair the system yourself, the main thing is, first of all, to correctly determine the breakdown. Next, we will tell readers "our.electricianexp"How to repair your own electric underfloor heating!

How to repair a damaged cable

If the electric underfloor heating does not turn on or does not heat up after switching on, the first thing to do is to make sure the heating cable is working. To do this, measure the cable resistance with a multimeter. Ideally, the value should not differ from the passport by more than 5%. If you find a significant difference between the nominal and actual resistance, it is necessary to proceed to the search for the place of open circuit and further repair. To do this, you can use special devices for search for hidden wiring in the wall. In the place where the electric circuit breaks, the device will immediately react.Open circuit search with multimeter

As soon as the exact location of the malfunction is found, it is necessary to proceed to repair the electric underfloor heating with your own hands. All that is needed is to remove the flooring at the place of breakage, carefully dismantle the concrete screed area (if any) and connect the problem area by crimping with a copper sleeve. After that, the cable connection is protected by a heat shrink tube and the system is checked for operability. Damaged area


We recommend that you immediately watch the video instruction for troubleshooting and repairing it yourself:

How to find an open circuit using the device

Heating cable repair

How to repair a temperature regulator

Such a situation may arise that the electric underfloor heating does not heat up to the required temperature (set on the controller). One of the reasons for the breakdown is a poor contact of the wires in the terminal strip of the thermostat. Check the screw connections and tighten them if necessary, as shown in the photo. Sometimes even poor contact of conductors can lead to such a simple type of repair of an electric heated floor that does not work.Pulling the cores in the terminal block In addition, check the temperature sensor itself to make sure that the temperature controller is malfunctioning by means of an exception. If all other elements of the circuit are working, just replace the thermostat with a new one, because its cost is quite small, and the hassle of repair can be quite a lot.

DIY repair manual for the temperature controller

Immediately draw your attention to the fact that the temperature controller can operate and turn off the system early if the temperature sensor is installed incorrectly. If the sensor is located close to the heating cable (or far from it), the temperature reading inside the screed will differ by 2-3 degrees, which will cause a false alarm!

How to check the temperature sensor

Checking the temperature sensor is also not difficult when repairing an electric heated floor. To do this, again you need to ring the device yourself with a multimeter to make sure that the passport and actual resistance match. If the temperature sensor breaks down, it must be replaced with a new one. If you have followed the recommendations for laying under floor tiles and placed the temperature sensor in the corrugation, it will be quite easy to get it out from under the screed. Otherwise, if the sensor gets stuck under the floor, it is better not to touch it, but to solve the problem in a simpler way - by installing an air temperature sensor. This device will give a signal to turn on / off the thermostat based on the temperature in the room, and not under the screed, as it was before.Removing a broken temperature sensor

You can also do without repairs by buying a temperature controller with a timer, which will enable / disable the system according to the set point. In addition, there are IR temperature sensors that analyze the heating of an electric floor heating by infrared radiation.

How to solve a low voltage problem

If you notice that the electric underfloor heating does not heat well at low voltage or its surges, then you can get out of the situation by installing a stabilizer for the home network. This device will ensure the normal operation of the heating system, both at low and high voltage.Mains voltage regulator

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to repair your own electric underfloor heating floor. As you can see, all the malfunctions are quite simple and special problems in electrics are not required to solve the problem. At the same time, if you are too lazy to repair the system yourself, the master will take no less than 5000 (the average cost of installing a coupling on a damaged section of the heating cable).

Also read:

How to find an open circuit using the device?

Heating cable repair

DIY repair manual for the temperature controller

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