Why is the machine knocked out on the stairs?

Good afternoon! The machine is knocked out in the stairwell, and the apartment does not work. The apartment has 2 round automatic machines of 16A each, and on the floor in a common box there is an automatic machine with a double lever. He doesn’t knock out the neighbors, but I suffer. Checked outlets and lighting, everything is good and smart. It works either from the included washing machine and then, not always from the split system, it works well, it sometimes knocks out. Copper wiring. Without load, everything is fine, the light, the refrigerator and the computer work flawlessly around the clock. The problem arises from turning on the washing machine and the split system. I want to change the machine on the stairwell, can there be a reason in it? I sin on the neighbors, who turn on a bunch of appliances, but knocks me out.


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  • Admin

    1. Knocks out immediately when you turn on the indicated devices or after some time of their operation?
    2. Does the machine that stands on the stairwell feed only your apartment? If so, then where does the neighbors, which include many appliances?
    If the machine knocks out, but did not knock out at the same load before - it means it needs to be replaced, it is possible that the contacts are heated and the thermal release is activated.

    To answer

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