Why, when connecting three single-phase stabilizers to a three-phase network, the input circuit breaker knocks out?

The house has a three-phase input. In VPU the sealed three-pole automatic machine Schneider 25A then a three-phase counter. After a three-pole IEK 25A, then a cable VVGNG 4 * 10 into the shield in the house on a three-pole legrand C25. From Legrand to the cross-module, I send three phases and zero. From the cross-module, I connect phase A and zero to the first Resant stabilizer 10 kW. Phase B with zero on the second stabilizer. C and zero on the third. From the outputs of the stabilizers I connect A and N, B and N, C and N to another cross-module. From it I send three phases and zero to the shield for the load. When you turn on three stabilizers, the lead-in in the switchboard and two machines in the runway are knocked out even without load. When you turn on any one stabilizer, it works with the load too. Moreover, at the input of the stabilizers with the machine turned on, the network, the resistance between phase and zero is 0.5 Ohms. Through bypass work. If anyone can tell, I will be grateful. I tried to describe in more detail. The stabilizers are new, not relay, but with this thing, which rotates and removes voltage from the secondary winding through the brushes

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  • Admin

    If the machine knocks out immediately, then the reason is a short circuit. So when you turn on the stabilizers, one of the phases is short for the other. Check that the stabilizers are connected correctly. See the connection diagram in the instruction manual for any connection errors. At the expense of resistance, 0.5 Ohm is not clear - this is, in fact, a short circuit. There should not be such resistance. Check under load each of the stabilizers separately, it is possible that one of them is defective.

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  • Alexei

    A similar situation. On the switchgear in front of the counter, an input circuit breaker ABB C25, cables 10 sq mm, on the switchgear “cut” in November 2018, 3 single-phase stabilizers Suntrek SNET 1600. After the stabilizers, the load is a residential building SC, garage, outdoor lighting, gates, etc. The stabilizers lasted 5 days . After the village general outage. Disconnected introductory machine. With any combination of stabilizers in operation, the introductory circuit breaks and turns off immediately. Currently, the stabilizers are in bypass mode and everything is working. Those support Suntek in Moscow sent me through the woods (they themselves do not know). I see that with a similar problem of a very close configuration, there are numerous cases from 2011 on Russian forums. Electrical engineers are silent or have not heard about this problem or do not know what to say

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