Why does the LED spotlight glow after turning off?

Svetlana asks:
In SNT we changed two streetlights to LED FERON - LL-922 floodlights. After turning off, they are dimly lit at the edges. What could be the reason?

The answer to the question:
Hello! And how do you turn them on? This happens when a backlit switch is used - fluorescent and LED lamps and spotlights blink or glow dimly! It may also glow due to the fact that somewhere there is a leak to the ground or to zero due to strong humidity or damage to the cable. You need to check the wiring, or follow the recommendations described in the article https://our.electricianexp.com/en/migaet-energosberegayushhaya-lampa-3-osnovnyx-prichiny-neispravnosti.html


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