Why is the bath and other appliances shocking after flooding the house?

Victor asks:
Good afternoon. I have a problem. Almost all appliances, as well as sinks and bathtubs, started to shock in the house. This has never happened before. But last year the first floor of the house was flooded. The house is private and has grounding. They stand as it should be an RCD at 16 Amps. Sockets with grounding throughout the house. What can be done in my case, please tell me.
The answer to the question:
Good afternoon. Make potential equalization normal, and if after flooding this happens - most likely somewhere wet wiring, as a result, some leakage might appear. RCD does not work?

You can read about equalization of potentials here - https://our.electricianexp.com/en/zachem-nuzhna-sistema-uravnivaniya-potencialov.html


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