Which grounding system should I choose TN-C, TN-C-S or TT?
It turned out 2 new outgoing lines from the shield. All the light in the house, as well as the outlets of the rooms and the hall, remained in the old version. Everything hangs new, because I do not dare to connect. I can not choose a grounding system.
Entering the house 2-wire, that is, according to the old conventional TN-C system, there is no grounding in the house.
Doubts are as follows: It is scary to remodel the TN-CS system, because the street line from the TP is not a sip, but bare aluminum 4 wires, and in the event of a PEN break somewhere on the street, all the neighbors' current that will follow me along the highway, as far as I understand it will go through my grounding; if I’m not at home, it will be bad.
I also don’t want to make an independent ground loop through the TT system, since it is expensive and difficult, you will have to buy an Uzo for each outgoing line from the shield, and this is expensive, and it is also difficult to make a potential equalization system. I wanted to leave everything as it was, leaving the TN-C system without digging in a new ground loop, but simply null the sockets where 3 wires go.
But here, too, it’s scary to nullify, because, again, when PEN breaks off on the street, the hulls of all the nullified vehicles will be energized, as I understand it, and ouzo here will not save from defeat in this particular case. Please tell me, dear electricians, what to do competently and safely, and so that a small wiring repair does not turn into a disaster?
TN-C - it is, as it were, by definition prohibited, and if you are going to do this already, then why ask? An UZO will also save when zeroing, if you initially in the shield even leaving TN-C make two zeros and will not combine them after the UZO. And there is a chance that it will save in a two-wire, although this is prohibited.
Do TT.
I think if the questioner Roman gets acquainted with the article below, he will abandon the idea of providing his house with a TT grounding system.