What wire section is needed for the machine and 69 kW hood?

Eugene asks:
Hello. I install a 47kW wood sawing machine + 22kW sawdust exhaust. what cable (cross-section) and the machine to install?
The answer to the question:
Hello! If you can’t pick up the wire cross-section for such a machine, then it’s better to entrust the matter to a specialist, and if on the topic, you can calculate the cross-section using the calculator on our website https://our.electricianexp.com/en/raschet-secheniya-kabelya-2.html

We also have an article on how to convert kilowatts to amperes - https://our.electricianexp.com/en/kak-perevesti-ampery-v-kilovatty-i-obratno.html

A three-phase automatic machine is needed for 120-150 general and separately for a 40A and 80A hood for a machine. Read the cable based on the laying method and line length. At least 10 mm² for the machine and 6 mm² for the hood if using a cable with copper conductors.


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