How to replace the wire from the pillar to the house and who pays for this work

In the process of building a private house, it is necessary to solve a lot of issues. One of them is the connection of electricity from the pole to the house. Usually lay the cable by air. Also, over time, the lead-in wire must be replaced with a new one. For such a robot is most suitable self-supporting insulated wire. Installation of self-supporting insulated wires from the support pillar to the house is carried out by specialists, because for such work you need to have a special tool and various devices, but with a great desire, you can do part of the work yourself. Of course, with the independent implementation of such work, you must be extremely careful and attentive. About how to replace the wire from the pole to the house, we talk in this article.

Reasons for replacing the wire

Most people living in the private sector care about why and how to replace the cable from the pole to the house. The supply of electricity to cottages, summer cottages, as well as private homes is usually carried out from the air trunk lines. On the electric poles go bare wires secured through support insulators. Most of the trunk lines are outdated a long time ago, are in a dangerous situation, and are also heavily overloaded, because every year the electricity consumption increases.

Cable line on insulators

Often in bad weather, due to strong wind, wires break or short circuit. Organizations whose responsibilities include the maintenance of trunk lines usually do not immediately arrive at the scene of an accident, and upon arrival they mostly do their job poorly. Therefore, at the next adverse weather, everything repeats again.

Who pays for the replacement

In order to find out at whose expense the replacement of the wire from the pole to the house is carried out, you need to contact the energy supply organization. They need to request a document - an act of dividing the boundaries of the balance sheet. This document indicates who is responsible for carrying out this work.

In fact, the power company refuses to perform cable replacement from the pole to the house. Indeed, according to the act, the wires that go from the pillar to the building are not on the balance sheet of the organization. In this case, the owners need to contact an electrician for a replacement, and accordingly, these works are carried out at the expense of the residents.

Work on the pillar

However, there are certain advantages. Because specialists from organizations serving power supply lines are overpriced, and the quality of work performed will be underestimated. Since this is a very important area of ​​power supply, it is necessary that the work is carried out efficiently and in accordance with all technical rules.

The safety and reliability of power supply is entirely dependent on the quality of the installation. If the replacement is performed correctly, then bad weather conditions will not be able to affect the power supply.Usually the cost of laying or replacing the wire from the pole to the house is not large. Still, the final information on how much this work costs depends on many factors, for example, on the distance from the pillar to the house.

Choosing the Right Wire

Specialists from organizations that service power lines often for the sake of economy or because of some personal preferences use not the most suitable wires. It can be either insulated, but not intended for cable entry, or uninsulated, those that go along the main lines along the posts.

It is important to remember that if a bare wire was used to replace the input cable, then it should be reliably and efficiently laid, because in strong winds such wires can short circuit. It may also be that a truck will drive into the area, and during unloading, wires may touch, which will result in electric shock.

However, someone may suggest replacing it using an insulated wire, but not intended to be laid with air. In this case, due to constant sunlight, the insulation may crack and crumble over time, which is also unacceptable for the input cable.

Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to use a specially designed wire for laying the input to the house from the pole. SIP is ideal for such work, because it is a self-supporting insulated conductor. It does not have the disadvantages that the other wires have. About, how to connect the SIP wire to the house, we told in a separate article.

SIP wire

Rules to consider during installation

To connect a private house to the power grid, you can use two options: underground, in a pre-prepared trench, and by air. Both laying options are acceptable, and, accordingly, the owner can choose the appropriate method for this case.

The main advantage of entering the meter by air is that the conductor can always be repaired, because it is in a conspicuous place and there is always access to it. Of the shortcomings, it can be noted that it always sags over the site, and it is necessary to put special fasteners on the house that would hold the cable.

Air line laying

Though cable routing underground it does not spoil the view of the territory, and there is no need to put fixtures on the house, yet this method has disadvantages. For example, if a problem occurs, it is very difficult to find, replace, or eliminate it; this has the advantage of laying with air.

Underground cable routing

Nevertheless, when using a bare conductor, you should be careful and familiarize yourself with the specific instructions that must be followed exactly for normal input robots. In addition, you should additionally buy insulators, as well as hooks, which are subsequently installed on the facade of the house. About what happens fittings for installation of self-supporting insulated wire, we told in a separate publication.

If the building is new, and has not yet been connected to the mains, then first you need to prepare documents to make the connection. To do this, you need to contact the energy supply organization.

The price of replacing the wire from the pole to the house depends on the following factors:

  • number and type of supports;
  • distance to the house from the post;
  • mark and cross-section of the cable.

When replacing an electrical input, use quality material. Nevertheless, installation must be carried out by a qualified specialist, because this work is very responsible, and affects the operation of all devices in the room. In addition, when replacing the wire, you will have to deal with the electric meter, and it is forbidden to interfere with its connection scheme, you still have to call the representative of the power supply.

On how to lay the cable from the pillar to the house, it is shown in the video:

Now you know what it means to replace the wire from the pillar to the house, at whose expense it is carried out and which wire is preferable to choose.We hope the information provided was useful and interesting for you!

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