How to assemble a 30 kW electricity metering board?

Good afternoon. I am assembling a 30 kW input metering board according to the specifications from the power supply network (a 50 A machine and an electricity meter). You have an example of such a 15 kW shield on your site. But I need a 30 kW shield. Tell me - what is the difference between the set of devices in the metering board for 15 kW from the metering board for 30 kW? And yet, my deadline for the implementation of TU measures has passed - to put up a billboard. There is no shield. How to extend this period in practice? Thank.


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  • Admin

    Hello! The metering panels of different capacities differ in the ratings of circuit breakers and counters. In your case, you need a meter with a maximum current of more than 50 Amperes, it suits your requirements:
    60 Ampere model - Mercury 230 AM-01 3 * 230/400 V 5 (60) A CL 1,0
    100 Ampere model - Mercury 230 AM-02 three-phase 10 (100) A
    As for the terms - better check with the supplying organization.

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