We save on electric heating - what is needed for this

Heating systems from autonomous sources have recently gained unprecedented relevance. Each owner of an apartment or house wants to have warmth in his home, regardless of any external sources, systems and all the problems associated with interruptions in their work. The main criteria affecting the choice of a heat source are the efficiency of the device and the costs of installation, operation and energy, and there are already many options and ways to reduce costs. In this article we will talk about how to save on electric heating in a private house, as well as in an apartment.

Room heating options

There are, of course, more ways to organize heating in a private house than in an apartment, and they all depend on the type of fuel, that is:

  • electric heating;
  • solid fuel boiler;
  • gas heating.

In an apartment building, it is necessary to exclude only the option with the installation and operation of the so-called pyrolysis type boilers operating from different types of solid combustible fuel. Gas equipment also has its drawbacks associated with the cost of design, equipment and the explosiveness of the heat source itself - natural gas. Therefore, the option of electric heating for an average family is one of the most acceptable, which can be installed both partially in one of the rooms, and throughout the house. The main thing is to determine the type of electrical equipment on which efficiency, safety, as well as savings on maintenance and operation of heaters depend.

The benefits of electric heating

Electricity is one of the most common types of energy that is present in every home and it is already impossible to imagine modern life without it. However, if earlier in everyday life it was used only to convert it into light and to power outlets, recently, due to advanced technologies and the development of industry in this direction, the use of electricity for heat generation is considered one of the most promising areas. A modern heating system, based on electricity, is a fully automated and compact installation that works safely and without human intervention in its work. All you need to do is set the desired temperature, but here there are tricks to save.

Before this, I would like to dwell on the advantages of electric heating:

  1. Compactness. No need to look for a place for large gas and solid fuel boilers, which often require the arrangement of entire boiler rooms.
  2. It does not require the delivery of firewood, coal and other energy resources, as well as a place for their storage.
  3. Electricity is not explosive.
  4. Easy to install and undemanding to clean, operate and maintain.

Cost Reduction Techniques

Competent minimization of costs for electric heating is based on the following five main points:

  • Exclusion of heat loss, which is carried out by insulation of walls, windows, etc.
  • The choice of equipment suitable for the characteristics of the premises and power supply schemes.
  • It is not necessary to allow overheating of the air in the room, for this it is important to correctly calculate the power. When overheating, unnecessary costs increase accordingly. Based on the calculation, a 1 degree temperature excess is proportional to about 6% of the cost overrun.
  • It is imperative to use automation devices such as thermostats and sensors that work in conjunction with them. By the way, this is the most convenient and efficient way to save on electric heating.
  • The transition to modern metering elements operating on a multi-tariff mode makes it possible to significantly save on electric heating at night. It is with a counter of this type that nightly heating an apartment or house will be much cheaper.

Savings on heating a house

Consider the most effective and common methods of heating apartments and houses and at the same time their positive economic aspects.

Electric boilers

These are full-fledged heating devices that can be mounted instead of the previous standard heating system.

Electric boiler

Here are some ways to save on such equipment:

  • Installation of modern electric boilers, the design of which does not contain powerful heaters, but only electrodes and automatic adjustment of the heating mode.
  • Wall insulation and replacement of windows with heat-retaining models.
  • Equipping the front door with gaskets.
  • Floor covering with felt or other special material with heat-insulating properties.

Oil heaters

They are one of the most common devices for space heating. This popularity is based on the mobility of devices and their low cost. A heating oil tank, hermetically sealed, is installed inside.

Oil heater

Fundamentals of savings in the operation of oil heaters:

  • no need to place them very close to furniture and interior items, as well as next to dark fabric upholstery;
  • due to the movement of warm air upwards, its efficiency increases, therefore, heaters cannot be placed in niches, there should be nothing superfluous on top of the heating element with oil;
  • models with a fan in their arsenal increase the outflow of warm air;
  • the right choice of power, it is believed that for a room of 15 square meters, only 1.5 kW will be enough;
  • the number of sections should not exceed 10–13 pcs.

You can find out more tips on how to choose an oil heater from our article: https://our.electricianexp.com/en/kak-pravilno-vybrat-maslyanyj-obogrevatel.html.


These are devices powered by electric energy and outwardly resembling a standard battery, but without sections. Convectors are easily mounted on the wall about 10 cm from the floor surface, and their mass is negligible. The principle of operation is based on natural thermal convection of air without ventilation.


How to save using electric convectors:

  • by installing on the wall where the convector will be mounted, a foil heat reflector;
  • using only curtains and curtains that do not cover them;
  • the right choice of the ratio of the area of ​​the room and power.

You can also learn more about the correct choice of an electric convector from our separate publication: https://our.electricianexp.com/en/vybiraem-luchshij-elektricheskij-konvektor.html.


Such units are more used in enterprises and in large supermarkets at the entrance to the building. They are often installed directly in the ventilation system and supply already warmed air.Improving efficiency is achieved by sheathing the ventilation ducts with insulation, as well as by regularly cleaning the ducts and filters in the ventilation system.

Fan heaters

A universal and very mobile design similar to a heater, having several fan speeds and several heating coils with a power of 1 kW or more. There is a mechanical adjustment knob and built-in thermostat.

Fan heater

Ways to save on the operation of fan heaters:

  • the use of low-power devices, they are more efficient;
  • no need to hang the device on the wall;
  • Do not block the flow of warm air with furniture or the interior, or direct the device toward open space.

Infrared heat sources

By themselves, these are very economical sources of thermal energy with low power along with high efficiency.

IR heater

Ways to reduce heating costs when operating infrared heaters:

  • general insulation of the apartment and house, as well as the installation of sealed windows and doors;
  • installation of high-precision and sensitive temperature controllers, possibly even with the functions of additional electronic programming;

Underfloor heating system

Two main types of heating organization are distinguished here:

  • Cable type. Special cable products incorporating component alloys. Heating occurs evenly due to the passage of electric current through the cable.
  • Film floor. It consists of special sealed elements that serve as a heat source and emit infrared waves. They are installed invisibly for visitors and guests, provided they are laid “on dry” (under the laminate, linoleum, parquet).
  • Carbon floor heating. This is a completely new system that works on infrared radiation that is safe for human health. It is a rod with flexibility and mounted in the form of mats. They are not afraid of moisture and mechanical damage. The principles of economy are standard, as for all the heating devices described above.

Electric underfloor heating

For both of these systems, there are general rules for saving:

  • setting the thermostat, which saves up to 20% of electricity;
  • insulation and sealing of the room, which includes: the installation of metal-plastic windows, foam boards on the walls, rubber bands in the doors to the balcony and the entrance to the room.

That's all I wanted to tell you about saving on electric heating. Finally, we recommend watching a useful video on the topic:

Performing electric heating in accordance with all the rules and standards, as well as equipping it with modern elements of thermal regulation, you will get the opportunity to bring the heaters to very high rates of efficiency and efficiency. Then your home will always be warm, comfortable and financially profitable. We hope our article helped you understand how to save on electric heating in a private house and apartment!

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One comment

  • Alexei

    Can everything be stoked and suffocated in heat?
    Tempting, but no!
    You missed an important component - ventilation.
    Calculate the supply air heating for at least two and at -5 degrees Celsius and you will understand that everything described is just trifles. They matter only when the supply and exhaust air system with a recuperator is installed.

    A warm floor will be safe and useful only if it heats environmentally friendly materials and the temperature regulator is needed not so much to save as to prevent floor overheating, in which microbes will actively multiply on it, etc.

    And so for each item - a lot of important things are not mentioned at all.

    To answer

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