How to draw a separate power supply line to a house for 2 owners

The house was divided by two owners. It is necessary to draw a separate line. But the land is in shared ownership. How to make a second power supply line?

(1 votes)


  • Admin

    If the house is divided into two owners, your house according to the documentation is two separate dwellings, then each of the owners concludes a separate contract for electricity supply in the supplying organization. For each individual housing must draw a separate line and install a meter.

    To answer
  • Valentine

    The house has two owners. We submitted documents for connecting a separate power supply line. But the second owner refuses to write down the old line and does not agree to disconnect it. What to do? Will I have two accounts? I do not need it. But he rested ....

    To answer
    • Admin

      That is, before there was one input and a total bill for two houses, or what? How did you pay that before? On one counter? If you think that because of his refusal you will pay for what you do not consume, then contact the court. There is no reason for him not to do this, most likely he does not want to waste his time on re-issuing documents.
      Or he steals electricity and doesn’t want it to be revealed during renewal ... like "you never know"

      To answer

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