What is a self-propelled electric meter and how is it formed
What is this happening
So, self-propelled - this is the rotation of the counter disk, which is connected with the counter counter mechanism, in the absence of a load current.
In the figure we see the magnetic flux created by the load current MP1 and the magnetic flux MP2, which is created by the current in the voltage coil 1. These flows, penetrating the counter disk, create induction EMF in it, under the influence of which eddy currents arise. In the interaction of currents and magnetic moments, a torque appears, which moves the disk in a certain direction with acceleration. This moment is directly proportional to the load current.
In order for the disk to rotate at a constant speed, a braking torque must be applied to it. To do this, there is a brake magnet 3 in the meter. To eliminate self-propelled the meter is equipped with a brake device in the form of a brake flag mounted on the axis of the disk, and a brake hook is inserted into the voltage coil. The brake hook is always magnetized, since the voltage coil is always plugged in regardless of the load.
Counter regulation is carried out by rearrangement. If any of these elements does not work, then the counter disk starts to move in self-propelled mode.
How to check the electric meter for self-propelled? It is enough to turn off all outgoing machines, and leave the opening machine on. Check disk movement. If electric power is not consumed, the disk will make one revolution, the indicator on the electronic device will blink only once in 15 minutes. If the disk spins without load or the indicator blinks more often than the specified time, then the meter is faulty and you need to eliminate the counter disk movement in self-propelled mode.
Methods to eliminate the phenomenon
What should I do if a self-propelled gun was detected and the electricity continues to be taken into account when the load is off? How to determine what the meter considers wrong?
For example, a person has a country house, which he visits only on weekends. Upon departure to the city, all group automatic machines will be turned off by the hosts as a rule. Arriving after some time, the owners notice that with the circuit breakers turned off, the counter readings increased.You need to make sure that during the absence of electric energy in the house was not used. If so, then there is a risk that the meter works with self-propelled.
Recommendation! In order for the meter to not be under constant voltage with a prolonged absence of people in the house, it is necessary to disconnect the input machine together with group machines.
Electricity costs money, so if a similar phenomenon was discovered, the meter must be replaced immediately. If this is not done, then this will lead to increased readings and inexplicable and unreasonable financial costs. Learn more about at whose expense the electricity meter is changed, we told in the corresponding article.
Why is it recommended to replace the electric meter when self-propelled? Everything is very simple. If this phenomenon occurs, determine the cause of its occurrence and then repair the device so that electricity is not taken into account in the wrong amount. After the device has been repaired, it must be returned to a government agency for verification. And only after all this, the counter can be used in everyday life. All this bears the financial costs that the owner of the device pays. This amount can reach such sizes that it will be easier and more profitable to buy a new electric meter.
For this reason, when a self-propelled gun is detected in the meter, it is best to purchase a new electricity meter. To do this, call the electric grid company and inform them of the planned change of device. After his change, the inspector must come and check the scheme, put a seal and draw up an act.
Finally, we recommend watching a video in which the problem of self-propelled electric meter is considered:
So we told what a self-propelled meter is, what are the causes of its occurrence and what to do if the meter itself is spinning or blinking without load. We hope that the information provided was understandable and useful for you!
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