What to do if the phone is buggy when connecting speakers?
Hello. There are external speakers, powered by batteries, connected to the phone through a regular 3.5 connector (still from a push-button phone left). At one time, I remade it powered by a power supply without any troubles - I just accepted plus and minus. The speakers worked. Time has gone and the phone has become touch-sensitive, so it works on it, only it is impossible to use the phone - the sensor goes crazy, it is pressed anywhere. How can this effect be eliminated?
Hello! We have a site for electrical installation tips in a house and apartment. We have an indirect relation to electronics, and we have never encountered such a problem personally. Alternatively, try installing the appropriate batteries in the column, see how the phone will behave. Most likely, due to a change in the power source, the parameters of which do not correspond, the phone starts to “go crazy."
The Honor inserted the phone into the canal! The speaker does not work and does not hold charging What's wrong with it?