What to do if the motion sensor with an intermediate relay does not work?
It is required to supply a load not to a lighting group, but to an intermediate relay, to which a dry discrete contact is connected from the controller, which in turn already starts lighting.
I tried to use the ABB CR-P230AC1 relay, and the SSR-25AA solid-state relay as an intermediate relay.
When you turn on this circuit, the motion sensor signals (indicator) that there is not enough load (not less than the manual).
With an incandescent lamp I checked everything works, with diode lamps no.
Please tell me how to deceive this motion sensor, maybe there is some kind of tricky circuit of resistors or the like, which can be fixed?
There are 2 options for the development of events:
- Everything will be as it should, the resistor provides a path for the flow of current and the sensor power. Then, when it is triggered, it will output “full” power to the output and the relay will turn on.
- The relay will be falsely turned on due to the resistor. Then you have to put an electromechanical relay.
By the way, you can combine the circuit - use a relay as small as possible with a 220-volt coil (google about “relays for mounting on a printed circuit board” - they are very small) and through this relay apply voltage to the input of your solid-state relay.
That is, the cause and effect here is similar to the problem of flashing LED lamps in the off state when the illuminated switch is connected.