10 rules for installing an electrode boiler

We have already considered how to make electric heating in an apartment do it yourself. Similarly, you can install heaters in the house, in the country and even in the garage. In addition, we have repeatedly drawn your attention to the fact that in the absence of gas, the best heating system would be a combined one: water + electricity. In this case, it is necessary to use boilers to heat the coolant, which is water. Next, we will consider the scope of work on connecting the electrode boiler with our own hands.

Briefly about the advantages of the device

Compared to the electric heating boiler, the electrode consumes less energy, is easier to install and has a higher efficiency. This is due to the fact that when heated with electrodes, there are no intermediaries like spirals. Everything is simple here - the current is supplied to the coolant (water) through the anode and cathode, as a result of which the liquid is rapidly heated and circulated through the heating system.The principle of operation of the equipment

In addition, the advantages of connecting this equipment are:

  • low cost in comparison with alternative options;
  • silent operation;
  • fire safety;
  • can be used not only for heating, but also just for heating water (dual circuit system);
  • compact dimensions of equipment (can be installed even in the bathroom);
  • ease of installation (even a kettle in an electrician and plumbing can handle).

As for the shortcomings, the main ones are the low level of electrical safety and high electricity tariffs, as a result of which the connection of the electrode boiler is rational only if there is no central heating system.

Rules for self-installation

We will not detail the scope of work on installing radiators, joining metal-plastic pipes and connecting them (feed and return) to the boiler outputs.You can see all these stages in the video instruction, which demonstrates the technology for connecting the Galan electrode boiler, which is very popular today:

DIY assembly instructions

As you can see, the installation is not a big deal, all you need to do is install the pipes, make ground, connect automation and make settings. Even the factory instructions for the equipment detail the entire scope of work. It is much more important to tell you about what rules to consider when installing an electrode boiler yourself. So, in order for the system to work for a long time and without emergency situations, we recommend that you observe the following recommendations:

  1. Set the coolant (water) according to the requirements of the equipment manufacturer. For example, Galan firm strongly recommends using Argus-Galan liquid, which needs to be changed every 5 years, as a heat carrier for electric boiler models such as Volcano, Geyser and Hearth. For the Galan-BeeRT model, only distilled water should be used. At the same time, antifreezes such as Arctic and Tosol are strictly prohibited.Argus Galan
  2. Be sure to flush the old heating system from salt deposits (this requirement is not relevant for a new pipeline). The fact is that contaminated radiators will adversely affect the density of the coolant, which can be even worse displayed on the operation of the electrode boiler. For washing, it is recommended to use an inhibitor called "Protector".
  3. Without grounding, the device must never be connected to the network. As a PE conductor, it is recommended to use a copper wire with a cross section of 4 mm2 and resistance no more than 4 Ohms.Electrode grounding
  4. The optimal coolant flow rate is 8 liters per 1 kW of equipment power. We do not recommend going beyond this value, as this flow rate saves maximum energy.
  5. At the highest point of the system, you need to install a dehumidifier valve (simply, an air vent) for bleeding air, as well as a pressure gauge and back-pressure relief valve.Check valve
  6. All shut-off valves must be installed behind the expansion tank (as shown in the electrode boiler connection diagram).Scheme of electrode heating at home
  7. The heater body must be installed in a strictly vertical position, as shown in the photo. Any bias negatively displayed on his work.Proper installation
  8. When choosing new radiators, buy products from bimetal or primary aluminum. In such metals, there are fewer impurities that have a negative effect on the electric boiler.Disassembled bimetal radiator photo
  9. Never use cast iron batteries when installing the electrode boiler yourself. Such products are quickly contaminated and also consume more coolant, which will reduce the cost-effectiveness of electric heating at times.
  10. You can install several heaters in series (as shown in the video), if the power of one is not enough. It is recommended to use a group of boilers when heating installation in a two-story house (for example, one water heater will serve the first floor, and the second, respectively, the second).The system of three electric heaters

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to connect the electrode boiler in the house and apartment. We also recommend that you watch the video, which talks about the advantages of using EOW - flow-type electrode heating systems, which are very popular today.

Benefits of Using an EOW

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DIY assembly instructions

Benefits of Using an EOW

(5 votes)


  • Alexander

    Good afternoon! I have two heating systems for 2 wings; the return pipes are 2, they enter the boiler from different sides, can I insert the electrode boiler into the feed? The system works without a pump

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! And why do you need to embed another boiler into the system ??

      To answer
      • Alexander

        I have a furnace on coal, often it’s not at home, there’s no one to heat, I wanted to put an electrode boiler

        To answer
        • Admin

          Well, you can, of course, only the pump must be embedded in the system. Without it, there will be no circulation. Just keep in mind that electrode boilers are very finicky to the coolant, i.e. water. In order for the system to work properly and for more than one year, you will have to add an additional filter and monitor the water quality. In general, of course, in this case I am more inclined to install an induction or ordinary electric boiler, there are less problems with them. You can make an induction apparatus with your own hands according to the following instructions - https://our.electricianexp.com/en/samodelnyj-indukcionnyj-kotel-2-varianta-konstrukcii.html

          To answer
  • Rustam

    I put a single-phase elektrodny Katel on the house but it doesn’t warm can someone tell me what needs to be done

    To answer
  • Rustam

    I poured water from a tap and then read that it is not necessary to add a lot of soda to add water and a little salt to do it all the same. I did it anyway more than 40 degrees.

    To answer
    • Admin

      More information is needed, there can be many reasons. To get started, check for air in the system. If there is, be sure to bleed.

      To answer
  • Alyona

    Good afternoon, bought a boiler, read the grounding it should have 4 Ohms * m, measured the grounding at home - 10 Ohms. It turns out you can’t use?

    To answer
  • Alyona

    Good day, put the boiler - it heats hot, everything is fine. But it often turns on and off often, on average for 12 hours. works continuously at 4 kW, it turns out 2/3 works, and 1/3 rests., and according to the instructions should vice versa. The temperature sensor was installed on the boiler itself. Where to put it?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! You need to put it in the living room, which is the worst heated, but in general it is better to experiment and find the most suitable place so that the heating system rests as much as possible, but it was warm in the house. Also note that the installation height of the sensor is 1.5 meters. No need to put it on the window or directly above the radiators.

      To answer
  • Alexei

    Good afternoon. Who will tell you, the boiler does not heat more than 35 degrees, but at the same time the flow rate is 14.8 A

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  • Alexei

    All batteries in a circle, the same, no air ...

    To answer
  • Eugene

    Is it possible to connect an electrode boiler to a 3-phase network of 4 kW

    To answer
  • dayan

    Hello, you can install in the kitchen. wash basin there?

    To answer

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