Assembly diagram of an electric panel in an apartment with an electric stove

Hello. You can draw a diagram of how to do such a thing in an apartment. Lighting through 1 bag. Sockets through the second bag. For the washing machine, the third bag. And for the refrigerator and electric stoves the fourth bag. What bags and types of cable (wire) are needed?



  • Admin

    Hello! Why batch bags and why 4? Put the machines! And even better, and RCD. Or difavtomaty. Take VVG cable of any modification. Better of course VVGNG or VVGNG-LS. I attach the shield assembly diagram.

    To answer
  • Admin

    With the cross-section of the cable you will figure out how to choose or tell?

    To answer
  • Admin

    Determine more specific ratings of the machines based on the consumption of your load.

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