Tips for choosing a floor lamp for the home

Today I would like to tell readers "our.electricianexp»On how to choose a floor lamp for the living room, hall, bedroom and other rooms in the house. This type of lamp is quite popular and can be used not only as a light source, but also as an element of the interior in the room. Next, we will provide some useful tips on choosing a product, as well as photo examples of its use at home.

The floor lamp is a floor lamp with a long leg, the top of which is represented by a lampshade. Today there is a wide range of products that vary in style, shape, application conditions and, of course, the material of manufacture. Now we dwell on each distinguishing characteristic.

Dimmed lighting in the apartment

Application area

The lamps may have a transparent lampshade that reflects and diffuses. If you decide to choose a floor lamp for reading books and needlework, be sure to buy a model with a high-quality directional light output. Usually in such products not one lampshade is installed, but several. All of them can be sent to the desired zone.Modern reading lamp

In the event that you need a lamp for playing light and additional illumination of decor elements (for example, paintings on the wall), we recommend choosing a design in which the ceiling is directed upward. This design feature creates a diffusing light flux, which will focus on the desired object. As a rule, such floor lamps have one lampshade and a translucent or opaque lampshade.Diffusing light flux

One more important nuance should be noted right there - the power of the fixtures. For the first case, you need to choose a floor lamp with powerful bulbs that will allow you to read and knit in normal light. To highlight objects, you can use not too bright bulbs, because power will directly affect power consumption.

What are floor lamps?

Stylistic features

The second, no less important point is the correct choice of a floor lamp by style. Do not forget that the lamp has impressive dimensions and, in addition to the light source, it will also fulfill the function of a room design element. Depending on the style of your home, you need to choose the appropriate design for the legs and lampshade.Designer model

For example, a floor lamp with a glass lampshade is well suited to a crystal chandelier in the hall, as shown in the photo. For the living room, it is better to choose lamps with flexible legs that can be sent to a particular area of ​​the room. In the bedroom, it is best to use bedside products with a fabric lampshade (although here again you need to take into account the style of the room).Glass lampshade

The original idea would be to choose such a lamp for bathroom lightingif its area allows the installation of floor products. In this case, you will make an unusual interior, which can be found far from every apartment.Bathroom Lighting Idea

Do not forget about wall decoration as well. The lamp stands out precisely against the background of the entire interior.For example, for yellow wallpapers it is better to choose a floor lamp with a white lampshade and a bronze leg, as shown in the photo. Do not buy a model of the same color as the wallpaper, because in this case, the lamp will merge and will not bring any decorative value.The combination of colors in the interior

Additional features

When choosing a floor lamp for the home, we recommend giving preference to models complemented by the following features:

  • Dimmer Some models are installed Dimmer, which allows you to adjust the intensity of lighting in the room. The cost of the upgraded device will not differ too much from the usual model. However, it will be possible to change the brightness of the light bulb based on whether you are reading a book or just want to make a dim light in the living room.
  • A floor lamp with a shelf can be chosen by reading enthusiasts. Put such a lamp near the bed, saving space in the bedroom.Lamp with a shelf
  • A model with a clock and a table will look no less original and will fit very well in the interior of the living room.Lamp with a clock and a table
  • A floor lamp with a control panel is another convenience that will not be superfluous for you. I think that it costs nothing to explain - remote on / off light is very convenient and also slightly more expensive than the classic version.

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to choose a floor lamp for the living room, hall, bedroom and other rooms in the house! We hope that our recommendations have opened up new knowledge for you and helped you choose the right model!

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What are floor lamps?

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