Can a 1.5 kW engine spin 30 kW power generators?

Good afternoon! I asked myself a question I can’t get an answer to. I myself do not have knowledge of electrics, so I’ll “explain” it on my fingers. An electric motor (1.5 kW), powered by a common power supply system, spins electric generators (from windmills or gas generators) through a drive system (3 pcs. Of 11 kW each), i.e. the output is about 30 kW. Will such a system work or not? Will an inverter, batteries, etc. be needed? With respect.



  • Admin

    If you turn on the electric motor and this engine spins another engine with the same power, then at the output of the generator (engine being unwound) the power will be lower (minus losses in both engines). The meaning of this idea is not at all clear. If the generator power is 33 kW, then you need to apply the same power in the equivalent in order to untwist it. Power of 1.5 kW of the engine is not enough, roughly speaking, 22 of these engines are needed.

    To answer
  • Alexander

    Greetings to Alexander, and if you use a pulley with high torque and a gearbox, really can not? Maybe the analogy is not accurate, but, once with my son we went to the park where they came to the Ferris wheel. And I specifically looked at how it is powered, there is one 5 kW electric motor. through the gearbox rotates the whole giant by 40 tons.

    To answer
    • Admin

      And what kind of torque can a pulley have?
      This is a completely different conversation. You lose in speed. Thus it is possible to roll mountains, the question is how fast

      To answer

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