What to do if the electricity meter is broken

Both mechanical and electronic power meters sooner or later fail. The causes of failure can be different: mechanical damage, overload, network problems, etc. If you find that the meter is not working and you don’t know what to do in this case, we recommend that you read our article. Looking ahead, I would like to note - first of all, do not panic, malfunctions of electric meters sometimes occur and solving a problem does not entail large material costs if you do everything right.

Meter Malfunction Detection

To understand that the electric meter has broken is quite simple. This requires a visual inspection of the device. The obvious cause of the breakdown:

  1. The meter burned out. The body is fused, burnt marks on the contacts, the smell of burning.
  2. Mechanical damage to the housing and sight glass (cracks, dents, chips).
  3. Change in readings (the disk began to spin strongly without load, or vice versa, it stopped and does not spin when powerful consumers are turned on).
  4. The appearance of noise during the operation of the counter.
  5. The electric meter does not show readings, while there is light in the house. Light indication is also absent. Such a malfunction occurs in electronic models.

Counter burned out photo

These are the main malfunctions of electric meters. There are other breakdowns, so in any case, even if you have a different situation, the information provided below will help to solve the problem.

Where to apply for an application

As soon as you make sure that the meter is not working, the first thing you need to do is call the energy supply organization and report what happened. If a non-working electric meter in the apartment is even the slightest danger: it buzzes, smokes or smells burnt, be sure to turn off the voltage at the input. After that, you will need to come to the organization yourself and ask for a sample statement, after writing which energy sales representatives should come to your home (you should tell the estimated date and time right away).

Checking the meter

On site, the inspector must draw up a malfunction report on the electricity meter. To do this, he inspects the device for third-party interference in its design, takes the last testimony, and then draws up a document. When compiling the act, be sure to specify what reason for the failure the inspector writes so that then there are no disagreements and the ensuing problems.

Important! In no case do not try to repair the meter yourself! If you even find that the cause of the breakdown is due to poor contact or its absence, be aware that opening the seal is fraught with a considerable fine.

How to pay for light and who pays for meter replacement

Please note that payment for the average consumption will occur only the first 3 months after fixing the fact of a meter malfunction.If before this time the replacement is not completed, you will have to pay according to the standard. About how is carried out standard electricity calculation, we told in a separate article.

As for the replacement of the meter, it is paid for at the expense of the energy supplying organization if the meter is out of order due to the fault of the energy supplying organization.

In other cases, the owner will have to pay for a replacement or repair, i.e. to you, or to the owner of the premises, if you use his premises in any way. Of course, if your fault caused the electricity meter to break (for example, due to overload, shock, and even more so after installing the magnet), you pay.

One of the reasons for the breakdown of the electric meter is considered in the video:

That's all we would like to tell you about why the meter does not work and what to do in this case to fix the malfunction. We hope that the provided procedure helped you solve the problem!

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  • Elizabet

    Hello, I have such a question for you, I put a new counter of the energy meter ce101 and left for 2.6 months, when I started home I started taking readings of the counter and fainted, he showed 3759 and when I was warned there was 134, how is that possible I don’t know I have only a refrigerator and TV at home; I don’t know what to do, what to do and where to go

    To answer
  • Anonymously

    UPS only count in a way, and then
    are fed up with the frequency from which they die in resonance. The circuits are sensitive up to the outgoing resonance frequency of the control pulsed circuit, such as comparing the balance of consumption. Different UPSs produce different frequencies. Many countries have returned to the inductive rotational mechanism. We artificially get rid of it.

    To answer
    • Admin

      what are you doing?

      To answer
      • Anonymously

        Moreover, there is an electronic resonance in the electrical circuits of the electronic electronic counter at certain frequencies. Induction devices are less sensitive to resonance.

        To answer

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