Is it dangerous to connect the apartment directly, without a bag?
Good evening! Yesterday an electrician rang the doorbell so that the wires on my dashboard from my apartment were melting and the bag was burned, as he said it was all hot! The stink is still standing! I said to change, I will pay. He said that he did not have with him, he would come tomorrow and connected directly! Automatic machines for the apartment are in the apartment, they are all new, renovated a year and a half, but today it was not! How dangerous is this direct connection ?! If possible, I reduced the power consumption, we have a rather serious load, a lot of floors and light, a water heater 2, but according to the machines, everything was calculated correctly. An old-style bag, crumbled in your hands!
Hello! Do not be afraid. It is a pity that they did not immediately guess in the shield to change the bag. Perhaps it is also necessary to replace the wire from the apartment automatic panel into the access panel, maybe it is heating up.