Rating of sockets and switches for the home (best manufacturers and series)

To choose good sockets and switches, it is not enough to compare prices and dwell on attractive externally products. For such an important business, you need to study the popular brands for the manufacture of electrical accessories and opt for a reliable company with positive customer reviews. In order not to get confused in the names and lists of manufacturers, we bring to your attention a rating of the best sockets and switches for home and apartment. List and all information updated.

Manufacturers Rating

Schneider electric

The first place in our ranking is occupied by the best manufacturer of sockets and switches according to professionals - Schneider Electric. By the way, in 2008, the famous Russian company Wessen became part of the leading company. Products that combine a decent price and very high quality are reliable in operation, since they have high-quality clamps that hold the mount. One of the world leaders in the market of electrical goods, the manufacturer Schneider Electric in its arsenal has many beautiful models, types of lighting and will be able to please even the most picky buyer. In addition, the sockets and switches of this company are easy to install, which makes them TOP 1 among the best brands. An overview of Schneider Electric sockets and switches is available at: https://our.electricianexp.com/en/obzor-rozetok-i-vyklyuchatelej-schneider-electric.html. We strongly recommend that you study.Schneider


Most likely, many of you have heard about the wonderful manufacturer of sockets and switches - the company Legrand, which took second place in the ranking. Good and inexpensive brand products have firmly and long been established in the market, therefore it is these products that you can often find in apartments, houses and offices throughout the country. The French manufacturer manufactures its electrical outlets and switches using the latest technologies, making them high-quality, reliable and safe. Also, it should be noted that Legrand has many exclusive models with a stylish design for every taste. The company is engaged in the production of expensive luxury goods as well as cheaper ones.

An overview of Legrand electrical accessories is available at: https://our.electricianexp.com/en/serii-rozetok-i-vyklyuchatelej-legrand.html.



The third place in the ranking of 2019 is occupied by the best Italian manufacturer of sockets and switches of the Bticino luxury series. A feature of the company is that they pay special attention to product design. The collection includes models of a wide variety of colors, shapes and materials. It is better to put such products as an additional “highlight” in the interior of stylish apartments in a modern or classic style. At the same time, Bticino brand products are of good quality, long service life, ease of installation and operation. All sockets and switches are made in compliance with all standards for safe and enjoyable use.Btisino


The Berker plant was launched 100 years ago, in 1919.The German manufacturer is famous for the high quality of its products, as well as a wide range of series and modifications. The assortment has sockets and switches made of different materials, with a large number of interchangeable mechanisms and cases, which will allow you to choose the best option for your own interior. From the advantages of the products we single out the strength, reliability and low price. There are no minuses as such, apart from the fact that the brand is less hyped and products are not found everywhere. Well, it is worth noting that the price tag for these outlets is higher.



Another German manufacturer whose sockets and switches can rightly be called one of the best in the middle price segment. Like most famous competitors, Gira products have a large number of different frames and mechanisms, as well as manufacturing materials. The advantages of Gira sockets and switches: high quality, elegant design and a wide range. The only drawback is the higher cost, not every buyer can afford it, especially when it comes to wiring housing from scratch.



ABB is famous not only for its circuit breakers and similar modular protective equipment, but also for electrical accessories. The choice of series, oddly enough, is quite diverse. There are sockets and switches of the budget segment, more expensive, in a classic style and even high-tech. The color of the frames, as well as the mechanisms are diverse. The reviews are mostly positive, even for economy-class products.



Good and inexpensive sockets and switches from the Turkish manufacturer Makel, for which he gets such a high place in our rating. They are very popular in the market and are well known to many customers. Product conductors are made of high quality materials, preventingshort circuit. Conductors are also highlighted in different colors, which greatly facilitates the installation process. Among the advantages of the goods of this brand, one can still distinguish the presence of cores that protect against overheating, and reliable clamps for fastening.Mackel


In 2008, Wessen became part of one of the best manufacturers of sockets and switches - Schneider Electric. The advantages of Wessen accessories are the price affordable for the Russian market and at the same time high build quality. The product lineup is quite large, manufacturers presented 3 series of switches and sockets: W59 Frame, Prima and Rondo. About Wessen, you can find a large number of positive reviews on the Internet, so in 2019 this brand can be called one of the best in the budget segment.



The Turkish company Lezard is also a low-cost, but at the same time high-quality manufacturer of electrical accessories that can compete with other brands in the Russian market. Lazard products are made from environmentally friendly materials, have a discreet design and all this at an inexpensive cost. The only significant drawback of the manufacturer is the limited range of accessories. In addition, you can find such negative reviews as low product strength, but given the price, this disadvantage is quite expected.



Our rating of the best manufacturers of sockets and switches is completed by the very popular Viko company in the CIS. The Turkish manufacturer makes large deliveries of this product to the domestic market, so it’s unlikely that it will be possible to “collide” with it at least once. The main advantage of the product is its inexpensive price, availability and reliability. The laconic design of electrical goods is presented in several colors and has a very classic style. Vito products are the best budget option, which is easy to install, work for a long time and manufactured in accordance with all fire safety rules. It is for these qualities that the company fell into our rating.

An overview of Vico sockets and switches is also on our website, you can familiarize yourself with: https://our.electricianexp.com/en/obzor-rozetok-i-vykluchateley-viko.html.

Finally, we recommend watching a useful video on the topic:

The best series for home use

Above we examined the TOP-10 manufacturers of electrical accessories, however, as already mentioned, each brand has more than a dozen series, different in price, quality and design. If we take the standard conditions and the budget price segment, which is optimal for household repairs, we would like to highlight the most popular and high-quality sockets and switches of the inexpensive segment.

So, we believe that it is worth giving preference to the following brands and their series:

  1. Legrand Valena Classic or Valena Life
  2. Schneider Electric Glossa, Sedna or Unica
  3. Makel Cellia or Lunis
  4. Bticino livinglight
  5. ABB Basic 55
  6. Viko Carmen
  7. Lezard mira

We examined the best sockets and switches in 2019, using the example of manufacturers and their series. All these brands have long appeared on the market for electrical equipment and have firmly taken a leading position in it. The provided companies produce high-quality and durable products, and all that remains for you is to decide on the right model and buy it in a trusted store, where fakes are excluded.

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(21 votes)


  • Victor

    Still beautiful and relatively inexpensive sockets and switches are manufactured by Efapel from Portugal.

    To answer
  • Leonid

    I agree with the comment above! Good company

    To answer
  • Ilya

    The ideal price-quality ratio is Anam, South Korea.

    To answer
  • Kostya

    At work, I encountered double Schneider Electric grounding sockets. When installed in the sockets, I found that they do not fit horizontally or vertically in width. I had to cut off the places in the socket, where the screws for attaching the outlet are screwed. And in the GKL, turn the rosettes diagonally. It swore heavily, the sediment from such a situation has been holding for several years.

    I put all kinds of sockets, I prefer Makel.

    To answer

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