The reaction of the electricity meter to the magnet when checking

In relation to me, an act was drawn up on the unaccounted consumption of electricity. Reason: when the magnet was brought to the counter, clicks were heard. Is this true, the check took place without my presence, the meter was dismantled by the tenant. Please give a qualified answer that there could click or it is a divorce.


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  • Admin

    Hello! They should have drawn up the act in your presence. If the check took place without your presence, then you could write any reason, but in fact there might not have been this violation. If the meter was sealed, the seal was intact, there were no visible damages on it, then, accordingly, there is no fault of yours that the meter could incorrectly account for electricity. And in general, if there were suspicions that the meter did not correctly calculate the consumed electricity, then this would immediately be noticeable in payments for light - there would be drastic changes. And if there is suspicion on the part of the supplying organization that the meter is not working correctly, then it should have been removed and sent for verification. And if verification shows that the meter does not work correctly, then you should install a new meter. And if you did not interfere with the operation of the meter, then your fault is not that this meter is faulty.
    In general, the “magnet tray to the counter” is not a check, and on the basis of “clicks from the magnet” they do not conclude that the meter is malfunctioning.

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