After installing the stabilizer, the light blinks when the load is connected

Paul asks:
Good afternoon. In the house it jumps in the evenings from 185V to 210V, in the afternoon it is always 210V. I set the stabilizer of the "Resant" relay type to 5.4 kW, the blinking of the light remained. When a load is connected (2 kW), the voltage immediately drops to 190V at the input, add another 2 kW drops to 180V - 220V is stable at the output. Why does the voltage drop at the INPUT, is this the correct operation of the stabilizer, and why did not the blinking stop?
The answer to the question:
Good afternoon light blinks in all rooms? It blinks like, it is when the load is turned on, and then it starts to shine normally or does the brightness drain until the load is turned off?

I believe that there is a problem with the connections or the small cross-section of the wires in your wiring.

If we talk about input, then in a normal state of affairs, such strong drawdowns should not be when a load of 2 kW is connected. And they can be either with poor contact of the VLEP wires (or rather branches to the house), also with their small section, well, or the section of the branch to your house. Do you live at the end of the line and far from the substation?

If so, there is nothing to be done about it. Moreover, when you connect the load through the stabilizer, at a lower voltage, the current is consumed even more, respectively, at the input, the drawdowns will be stronger. What were the drawdowns before installing the stabilizer?

With all of the above, I will add that the light may blink due to the speed of the stabilizer. Relay stabilizers are not the fastest, electronic stabilizer (thyristor or triac) is faster.

But I add that when the load is connected, it can blink due to poor wiring, i.e. drawdowns somewhere on twists inside the house, i.e. after stabilizer occur.


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