Why does an RCD knock out on one of the groups, but if it is connected to all groups, it doesn’t knock out?
When dividing a three-phase network into groups, one group has one phase, on which there is a single-phase RCD, it knocks out. If all three groups are planted on the same phase through an RCD, everything works. Should it be so, if so, why?
Hello! Strange situation. You tried to connect all consumer groups to the same RCD and it didn’t knock out, right? And when they connected 1 group there, then it knocks out? Is this exactly the same RCD? In addition to offering to replace it, there is the idea that you mixed up zeros. And they threw 0 from another group into 1 group.
Hello! When dividing a three-phase network into groups, did you divide the N-conductor into groups after the RCD? If not, then when you turn on the RCD will be triggered.