Why did the appliances suddenly burn out in the house and what should I do now?

Eugene asks:
Hello, I'm not an electrician, I'll try to explain! I have 380 in my house, at one point while lying at home watching TV there is a clap (I’ll say there were no additional loads on the network right away), I run into the boiler room and the alarm (fire) goes crazy and it does not sound a siren but everything flashes! And too much smoke went from the spotlight!

Naturally I turned off the light, I went to the flap and cut off the machine on which the circulation pumps sit - the pilot was connected to the pump outlet and at that moment there was only one circulation pump on it, turn on the machine, it goes out - I hear food in the kitchen, everything’s built in the appliances flashing, microwave, wind, run to extinguish machines! And for one common I cut down!

The result of which I call an electrician’s neighbor, he checks the pressure in the house in phases, everything is fine! Normal! He cuts that machine on the pumps, he can finish it off but the pilot slams - the result is what the pilot is, the kitchen floor, the refrigerator, the laptop, everything that was inserted into the house was almost burned out!

Even the brains of a cheap electric boiler are not cut off by temperature !! Interviewing the neighbors, this trouble is only mine! The result is the pilot removed everything works like a clock! The security guard also died by the way.

The next morning I call the electricians emergency gang (someone told me that zero was somewhere) cut down the network in the house - upon arrival, they open their shield on the support and they have a little caroten and a little machine 63 of the three sections in the center burned a little , they started to bypass the machine and ruled without giving a single paper! Explaining that this is not because of them, and supposedly if one phase has fallen, then all the equipment you have is 220, and it should work and go pick your shield! The final question is what?

If one phase is lost - could all this happen? And what to do! In one fell swoop, almost everything burned out! No work with substations! Though where to drip !? For about a year no one climbed into the electrician, there was no frost, well, the wind, the weather !!! I didn’t cut the welders !! Just watched tv alone! What to do?

The answer to the question:
Hello! The questions immediately arise - if something happened to you, why did the machine on the support burn out? Why didn't he get knocked out? Why didn’t they replace, but let go bypass? What else did you say?

At the same time, it is also interesting that if the problem was with the PILOT, then the machine from which it was powered out was knocked out? Then, under no circumstances should the above happen - the circuit is already disconnected with the pilot, the rest should continue to function ...

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to understand what happened according to your description, although it is very detailed and lively.

This could not have happened even if the two phases had been "lost."

Everything that you described, for some reason, looks like a nullification at the entrance to YOUR house, since the neighbors are fine ... Electricians from the company, it seems to me, looking at what you poorly understand in the issue of power supply, they are "bred" so as not to compensate damage for improper condition of the line. You can deliver stories here that you can turn somewhere, but most likely, you will not be able to prove this, they have already fixed something on the post ...

Although there is a chance. The call should have been fixed where you called.In the magazine. You should read this article - https://our.electricianexp.com/en/sgorela-bytovaya-texnika-iz-za-skachka-napryazheniya.html, draw conclusions and contact the service center to conduct an examination of your household appliances and give a conclusion that it has failed due to a power surge.

And call a qualified specialist who will help you defend your rights!


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