Why is the motor of the washing machine noisy?
Hello. Samsung washing machine When the drum rotates, a sound is heard, a rattle. He took off the back cover, where the bearing is dry and everything seems to be normal. But when the drum rotates, the sound comes from the electric motor. What could be?
Hello! If you are 100% sure that the bearings are OK, check the capacitor. If the washing machine is noisy, an inoperative capacitor may be one of the causes of the malfunction.
Good evening, tell me what can be with the engine of the washing machine, the machines were sorted out, the bearings and stuffing box changed when it was assembled, while the drum was spinning, but only in one direction, the engine was noisy, in the other it was normal, noticed even before the machine was assembled, maybe something hit it, but then why when scrolling only one way? LG washing machine