Why does not half of the sockets in the apartment work?

Dmitry asks:
Hello. I lost voltage in half the outlets in the apartment. I turn on the washing machine, it turns on but does not erase, the lock indicator on it lights up and knocks the machine in the shield. I tried to plug it into another outlet; everything worked fine. Disassembled the socket, there are no visible violations.
The answer to the question:
Hello! Are sockets connected to the same line and protected by one machine? If it’s different, check the condition of the machine (replace it), if it’s one, then check the connections in the distribution boxes, the cable could also be damaged somewhere in the wall (unlikely, but possible). With a poor connection, there will be drawdowns, with a drawdown, when the washing machine tries to turn on the engine, there may well be overload due to problems when starting the engine.

If the machine is working properly in other outlets, then the point is definitely not in it. Also try connecting a 100-watt incandescent lamp to the outlet and measure the voltage, compare this data with “normal” outlets with the lamp connected - if there are differences, then 100% of the contact has disappeared somewhere.

A separate article on this subject: https://our.electricianexp.com/en/chto-delat-esli-ne-rabotayut-rozetki.html

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