Why does the test button on the difavtomat not work?

They installed a difavtomat, but noticed that after some time, when pressed, the test button does not work. After turning off and on the machine itself, using the lever, the “test” button functions in normal mode, and after some time the story repeats. What could be the problem, or is this normal?



  • Admin

    The “test” button serves to check the operability of the difavtomat - namely, checking its ability to turn off the differential current (leakage current). If, when the “test” button is pressed, the difavtomat does not turn off, then this protective device is inoperative and in the event of a leakage current it will not work. This is not normal and it is better to replace such a protective device with a working one.

    To answer
    • Anton

      And if the machine is not connected, should the test button work?

      To answer
  • Sergei

    The test button is stuck, reasons?

    To answer
  • Sergei

    of 14 ABF201 difs on 16 and the test works for one

    To answer

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