How dangerous is a non-grounded washing machine?
Hello! There is the following problem: there is no grounding in the apartment. In this regard, everyone is more worried about the situation with the washing machine. Please answer the following questions:
- How dangerous is a washing machine for a person in a humid room, during its operation (for example, on the floor of a puddle)?
- Does the danger persist if the bathroom is relatively dry?
- Is there a danger of electric shock when the washing machine is turned off (by a button) but plugged into an outlet?
1) In case of violation of the integrity of the insulation in the washing machine, a dangerous potential will appear on its body. Water is a conductor of electric current and, if there is water on the floor near a working washing machine, you will get an electric shock.
2) In the event of a breakdown of the insulation of the washing machine, a dangerous potential appears on the machine body and if you touch its body, you can get an electric shock. During operation, the washing machine is in contact with water, therefore, in the event of an insulation breakdown, a dangerous potential may appear on other water supply elements interconnected - on pipelines, bathtubs, taps.
3) In this case, it all depends on the nature of the damage to the washing machine. It is possible that dangerous potential may be present on the case and on the idle, but plugged into the network in the machine.