Is it possible to remove the grounding in the shield (remove the jumper)?

Good afternoon. Electricians made the installation in the apartment panel, where L is the phase, and N is the neutral working conductor was connected by a jumper to the PE bus, which is connected by a grounding conductor in the floor box to the metal base. Quite often, an automatic machine was knocked out at the entrance to the apartment, it “plucked” its hands when touching the taps and so on. misunderstandings. Can this jumper be removed at all? Since without it consumers are more stable. PMC in the apartment is done. Sorry for the quality of the picture.



  • Admin

    Hello! Are you sure that the metal parts on the floor box are grounded? You can try to disconnect the zero from the PE, then you will switch from the TN-C-S grounding system to the CT. If the apartment has a potential equalization system, it should not pinch. Maybe you did it wrong?

    To answer
  • Admin

    In general, if the shield is installed inside the apartment, the jumper can be removed. But you do not need to do this, since your potential equalization system does not work and there is no land on the floor board - this is a fact.

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