Is it possible to become an electrician lighting from scratch in 27 years?

Crunch asks:
Hello!) My question is rather personal, to professional electricians.
I received a carpenter's vocational school in 27 years of education, but did not. Now I think to study at the electrician of lighting and lighting networks. I rummaged through YouTube from idleness and accidentally stumbled upon a video on electrical wiring. It hooked me with something :)

Specifically, I do not rummage about it at all. But for the first time in my life, something really fascinated me! I wanted to learn, develop. Well, for example, what do I need to know? What fundamental knowledge to arm?

Is it important that in radio electronics I boom boom? That is the full 0. I was rather attracted ... All these wires are light bulbs, energetic work. I do not like such a job where you have to stupidly sit idle, like a guard there or a loader where you don’t have to think, you just need to bend your back.

Plans to go to college for 3 years or 3 months courses .... Is it too late to start? How to be After all, if something breaks down and I solder then it is crooked and I can’t repair it at all.

What about math? After all, is it necessary to be friends with numbers? By the way, I think it’s pretty good and quick in my mind, but there’s all sorts of fractions and formulas with it.
The question is extremely serious for me. Help good people with wise practical advice :) Thank you for your attention

The answer to the question:
Hello! Let's start from top to bottom:

  1. The installer of lighting and lighting networks is rather a specific profession, in educational institutions they will rather be taught simply as an "electrician", but this is not such a significant observation.
  2. Radio electronics and electrical installation are so different things that you don’t even need to know anything close about electrical engineering at all. Of course, the basic knowledge of these professions is common, well, there are all sorts of laws of Ohm and Kirchhoff and so on.
  3. If you have completed vocational schools or 10 (11) grades of the school, then in many schools (or as they call it now, college ...) there is such an option as TU (we have the same name as yours, I don’t know), it consists in that they study for 10 months, since the 3-year program includes a school base. Therefore, specify, perhaps you will receive an education not in 3 years, but only 1 academic year. Such options, by the way, are often offered by employment centers.
  4. A deep knowledge of mathematics is needed for calculations and design. It is enough for an electrician to be able to do basic actions - to multiply, divide, count.

Simply put, learning is never too late. If you want, you need to try, maybe there are options for distance learning and parallel employment, at least somewhere at private owners at a construction site, they will teach there basic things, and read articles on our website in these sections:

And if you’re 27 years old or 47 years old, it doesn’t matter, especially if you are interested.



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