Can I put a switch on the doorbell?

Mary asks:
Hello! We have a wired call. There is a need to turn it off sometimes. I read that you can attach a conventional switch to a wired call like for a lamp. Perhaps it? Safely? Or is it better to just buy a battery powered wireless?
The answer to the question:
Hello! Yes, it is possible. And not only like a switch for a lamp, but any toggle switch, a latch button, a switch designed for voltage of 220V. They connect depending on the connection scheme of the call, for example, in series with a button or into the gap of the wire that goes to the call itself from the network (outlet).

Yes, it’s safe. Yes, it's easier to buy a battery-powered wireless. But if you put the switch - it will be no worse than if you replace the bell. Act according to circumstances and as you prefer.



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