Who and how steals electricity in the apartment?

We live in two apartments, there is a refrigerator, a freezer and 2 TVs, a computer. We have gas, there are no other household appliances like a kettle or microwave. 2 years ago 200 kW were running. Each time more and more. In March of this year, 370 kW came running, we thought the meter ran, changed in April. In April, 233 kW came running. For May 320 kW. Now 13-14 kW are running in a day. Before changing the counter, an electrician was called from the UK. He came drunk, poked a screwdriver into the counter wire, said everything was fine. Tell me where to look for a connection.


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  • Admin

    Hello! I recommend to study the article https://our.electricianexp.com/en/kak-nakazat-sosedej-za-xishhenie-elektrichestva.html If there are no third-party connections near the meter, then you need to look further. Most often, they steal electricity through a wall outlet on an adjacent wall. You need to disassemble all the sockets that are on the walls bordering the neighbors, and determine whether the wires are additionally connected to them or not. You can also disconnect all electrical appliances from the network and look at the meter, if it will wind, it means the load is connected and the neighbors steal your electricity.

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