What cable is needed for a wired radio?

Eugene asks:
Hello. Tell me, what is the scientific name for a two-wire cable (30v) for a wired radio? A cable stump hangs in the apartment, and I would like to extend it. And how to fasten it so that it is safe?
The answer to the question:
Hello! As far as I know, PRPPM 2x0.9 or TRP 2x0.4 are used for wired radio points. But if you don’t find it, you can use any, even PVA, even twisted pair cable, or even a wire from your home telephone. You can solder and insulate or use tape locks - they are perfect for this. We described what it is in the article - https://our.electricianexp.com/en/skotchloki-dlya-soedineniya-provodov.html

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