How to make the housing department to eliminate the buzz from the step-down transformer in the entrance?

Good afternoon! In a multi-apartment, 12-storey building in the basement a service room for employees of housing department is organized, for its lighting, a step-down transformer is installed directly on the wall. In the apartment, on the 2nd floor, when the step-down transformer is working from 7:30 to 23:00, a buzz / buzz is heard and in the children's room there is a slight vibration along the wall on which this unit is installed. According to my statement, they did the work by PROLOGING BETWEEN THE WALL AND THE RUBBER TRANSFORMER !!! The buzz became even louder. How to reasonably call the housing department to eliminate the buzz and vibration ??? Or where else can I go with this problem? Thanks for the help.



  • Admin

    Hello! Does the transformer stand on the second floor, but illuminates the basement? You can turn to ROSPTREBNAZZDOR or the sanitary and epidemiological station to measure the noise level, to be examined and if the noise level exceeds the permissible limits for this period of time - that means you can go to court because the technical solution of the housing department makes you uncomfortable or even harms your health.
    But most likely you will not prove that the noise level is too high, but there are doubts about the time 23:00 that it is generally legal. As for the rubber bands, the employees decided correctly, but apparently they did not implement this solution well enough.
    To reduce the level of vibration, you can contact them peacefully, repeatedly - so that they hang the transformer, for example on a street wall, by the way, a strong propagation of vibrations is possible if the fasteners touch the fittings - sound passes through it. It is worth noting that the fastening of the transformer itself should provide density and no rattle.
    If you do not want to quarrel with the organization because of this, you can compromise with them and solve the problem together, for example, offer them to put an intermediate plate for mounting a transformer made of damping material - again, various rubbers and soundproof materials.
    Also, so that the transformer does not hum, it can be serviced - tighten the iron and soak the windings with varnish.

    To answer
  • Ekaterina

    Thanks for the answer. The transformer is located in the basement on the wall, we live on the second floor and we have buzzing and light vibration. But I understood the essence of the action, thanks again.

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