How to choose an electricity meter and which is better in 2019

A very important indicator of saving money at home is the reduction in the cost of paying for electric energy. In the modern world, household appliances have high power, which certainly “hits the pocket” when a monthly receipt “for light” arrives. Next, we will consider which electricity meter is better to choose and buy for an apartment or a private house, so that monthly receipts are less and less!

Variety of devices

To begin with, we will briefly figure out what kind of electricity meters are, after which we find out which one is needed for a house, apartment and cottage.

So, today there are the following types of metering devices:

  1. Induction (mechanical) and electronic. The former are classics of the genre and are still used in buildings of the old type. The advantage of induction energy meters in durability, reliability and low price. At the same time, the main disadvantage is the low accuracy class, as a result of which you can either overpay the extra money or underpay. In turn, electronic metering devices are multifunctional, can be designed for several tariffs, and also better because they take up less space on the opening panel. As you know, the disadvantage is a higher cost and shorter service life, which discourages buyers. Judging by their material capabilities, you need to choose the type of meter. About how one and the other option works, we described in the article: of electric meters photo
  2. Single tariff and multi tariff. There has already been a whole discussion among the owners of two / three tariff meters and conventional single-tariff metering devices. We have already considered advantages of dual tariff meterswhere both negative and positive customer reviews were provided. Once again we repeat that the rationality of choosing an electric meter for several tariffs depends on the region of residence and on which household appliances you use more often. If you have a nightly rhythm of life, it is better to choose and buy a multi-tariff meter for home and apartment.Assortment of goods
  3. Single phase or three phase. Everything is simple here and the choice of meter depends on the type of power supply for your house or apartment) - single-phase or three-phase.
    Appearance of the device for 1 and 3 phases
  4. Accuracy class. This characteristic shows the percentage error of the electricity meter when taking into account the energy consumption. Today it is necessary to use devices with an accuracy class of no lower than 2.0. The more accurate the account, the less likely it is to be deceived when paying "for the light."Accuracy class
  5. Power. Another no less important characteristic that must be considered when choosing an electricity meter is the total electric load (power). The market of electrical products offers direct connection meters in the current load range from 5 to 100A. About, how to determine the power consumption of electrical appliances, we told in a separate article.Rated current
  6. Mounting method. The housing can be mounted either on DIN rail either bolted.DIN rail mount
  7. Conditions of use. There are devices designed for use only in heated rooms, and there are street models. The meters must be operated in the conditions that are installed in the passport of the meter.

Short video review on choosing an electric meter for home and apartment:

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Which option to give preference

So, we have provided the types of electric grids, now let's talk about which is better to choose and buy for a house, apartment, garage and cottage.

Firstly, rely on power characteristics metering devices. In order to choose the right electricity meter for power, or rather current, it is necessary to calculate which electrical appliances you will use. For modern household appliances, the nominal values ​​are indicated in the passport (in kW). Summarize them and take into account the stock (suddenly you buy something else), on the basis of which make a decision on choosing a specific characteristic. If in total it turns out no more than 10 kW, buy a 60 A model, which will be quite enough. If the average daily power consumption is more than 10 kW, it is better to choose a 100 A electricity meter. Typically, 60A is enough for the house and apartment.Front panel with features

Secondly, determine the type of device - mechanics or electronics, one tariff, two or three. Here, again, only you are an adviser to yourself, because each has its own preferences and material capabilities. If difficulties arise at this stage, consult our specialists in the category "Question to the electrician". We recommend that you select only single-rate electricity meters for summer cottage, because save electricity once a week (or even a month) is not correct, given that the rest of the time you will overpay for a daily rate.Alternatives

Third, choose the right one type of mount. Here we recommend choosing a model that is mounted on a DIN rail, as it is universal - when buying a adapter strip, you can fix the case on the wall too.

Well, the last thing to say - manufacturer. High-quality electricity meters are produced by domestic companies such as Incotex (a popular Mercury model), Energomera Concern, Leningrad Electromechanical Plant and the Moscow Plant of Electrical Measuring Instruments. Among foreign firms, Elster Group, ABB and General Electric are popular. As for which electricity meter is better to choose according to the manufacturer, here we recommend actively looking at reviews of various models on the forums. The best quality rating can only be given by one who has already used one or another model.

Rating of the best electric meters of 2019

In 2019, according to reviews of buyers and companies that are engaged in the sale of electric meters, the best models to date are the following models:

  • single phase, single tariff: Energomera CE101 R5, Neva 103/5 1s0, ABB FBU11200, Mercury 201.8,;
  • single-phase, multi-tariff: Energomera CE 102 MR5, Neva MT 114, ABB FBВ 11205-108, Mercury 200.2;
  • three-phase, single tariff: Energomera CE300,Energomera TsE6803V, Neva 303-306, Neva MT 324, Mercury 231 AM-01;
  • three-phase, multi-tariff: Energomera CE301, Mercury 231 AT-01.

Useful tips for choosing

And finally, I would like to tell you how to choose the right electricity meter. Adhering to the following recommendations, you can definitely choose and buy the most suitable model:

  1. For a garage, purchase a metering device more powerful, because very powerful equipment can be used here, and several types at the same time: a welding machine, a compressor, etc.
  2. Check the date of verification of the meter (indicated in the attached passport), as well as the presence of seals on the case. The date of state verification should be no more than two years old for single-phase devices and no more than a year for a 3-phase electric meter.
  3. Do not listen if you are told to overpay and buy an apparatus with automated metering. For you, such a function will not change anything for the better, because it only helps energy companies keep track of readings, while the extra money will have to be paid to you.
  4. Manufacturers produce no less high-quality products than foreign ones. Take a good look at domestic models, read reviews on thematic forums, and choose a cheaper but still reliable version of an electricity meter.
  5. Also read on the Internet how expensive it costs to repair your chosen meter, as sometimes service prices are simply astronomical in relation to a particular firm.
  6. A small but very important nuance - before buying, take an interest in the noise level of the electric meter so that after installation you will not get upset in an unpleasantly buzzing device.
  7. Electronic devices have a longer intertesting period than induction ones. Learn more about What is calibration of electric meters, you can find out from our article.
  8. Mechanical equipment can be “unwound”, unlike modern electronic equipment. This, of course, is prohibited by law, but nevertheless, our people do not stop.
  9. If you still decide to choose a mechanical electric meter, check it before you buy. This is done as follows: by hand, rotate the disk and if it rotates by inertia, it means that the move is normal and the mechanism is suitable for work. Any violation of the stroke indicates that the wheel is not in working condition.

So we have provided all the basic tips for choosing an electricity meter, as well as a rating of the best electricity meters for 2019. We hope that now you know which option is better to choose and buy for your conditions!

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(44 votes)


  • Ivan

    Good article, but a little disagree. I forgot that there are still warm floors. I have a house of 150m2, two full floors, a house of gas silicate blocks of 30cm is insulated with 5cm foam. The first floor is covered with warm floors plus Radiators, the second only Radiators. Water heating from an electric boiler with automatic equipment, on the heat sink radiators. In a month for all the electricity in the coldest month, he paid no more than 7,000 thousand. True, he did the installation himself as I professionally do heating, and this is not a small cost (about 700 thousand) with reliable material. So consider which radiator is more profitable to heat, but my option is more comfortable

    To answer
  • Michael

    1 if you buy a 3ph counter instead of a single-phase and the manual does not include a 220 V switching circuit, then you only have to give it. 2 if you put a class counter of 0.5 instead of 2 - you will pay 4 times more. 3 2x tariff meter is disadvantageous, because the daily rate is 1.5 times higher than the nightly rate.

    To answer
  • Olga

    And what to put in order not to overpay? I have Mercury 201, I live alone, all day at work, and for the light comes in excess of the norm, 250 kW and above .... ????

    To answer
    • Admin

      And what is included while you are at work? are there any powerful consumers of electricity? Or in the evening you turn on a fairly large number of electrical appliances? Indeed 250 kW is a lot. My 2-kilowatt heater worked almost all of October for most of the day, and then 320 kW came at the expense of.

      To answer
    • Galina

      Hello Olga. Which electricity meter did you choose? I now have the same problem. But the electric meter is on the street.

      To answer
  • Vladimir

    And what to do, which meter to put on the house (400 sq.m.), which will be heated by electricity only at night (using heat accumulators), and in the coldest month, electric boilers with a total capacity of 150-160 kW will work simultaneously. If we take the formulas, then the current is 750A. Are there such counters?

    To answer
    • Admin

      The power supply organization with which the contract is concluded must issue technical specifications. Connection conditions, power, face value and so on are painted there. For such power use tr-current. An article is being prepared on them.

      To answer
    • Dmitry

      You put a normal meter and current transformers on each and phases and all

      To answer
  • Yulia

    Hello, please tell me, to a 3-phase meter which machine to buy at 40A or higher? We are going to put a duplicating meter on a pole in a private house, an automaton in my 60A is on my 3-phase meter, we should take an automaton for 60 or 40 A. Thank you.

    To answer
    • Admin

      In TU for your home should be indicated the allocated power and the rating of the machine.

      To answer
  • Vladimir

    Good afternoon. Tell me, please, if during an emergency power outage the single-phase network of the house is powered through the switchboard (after the electricity meter) from the generator, will the electricity meter wind the kilowatts “in favor” of the energy companies?

    To answer
    • Admin

      Hello! No, it will not. You turn off the machine on the counter. In addition, the meter does not wind back.

      To answer
  • Olga

    Hello. According to TU for 15 kW metering device class 2.0 and higher. Worth Mercury 230 ART-01. Can I leave it or need to be replaced? thank

    To answer
  • Ivan

    Hello! The tenant sends space bills for electric energy, I think to put your own meter what advise? Low-power machines in the amount of not more than 30kV should be

    To answer

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