How to find out if the counter is working if it winds 2 times more?
In December, the paper came that I need to change the counter and I went to our CSW. They were advised to buy a meter from them and the installation would be free, which we did. The counter was set single-phase.
If earlier (with the old meter) we paid 230-400, 400 we considered this at the average rate because I did not give evidence, now now comes more than 700.
It turns out that before we spent 50-80 kW. per month, and now we’re spending 180.
An electrician called from the same office to check the counter and at the same time if someone left was connected to us, but he said that there were no left connections and the counter was working.
I would like to know how this can be and whether it can be at all ???
To check the accuracy of the meter readings, you can turn off all electrical appliances, turn on the device with a known power, connect the meter to a power wattmeter (another name is an energy meter) for completeness of the experiment, and see how many kW / h the meter wraps up, say, in an hour.
If you notice that the meter is "lying", you can pay for the replacement at your own expense, but when buying a new one, specify whether you will be allowed to put it, not in the store but in the organization that will carry out the installation and sealing.