How to make the dress highlight?
Help me please! I work at school. The student sewed a dress, we are going to the Olympics. I want to make a highlight on the dress. Which bulbs to choose? How to stretch the wires? To make the design light.
Help me please! I work at school. The student sewed a dress, we are going to the Olympics. I want to make a highlight on the dress. Which bulbs to choose? How to stretch the wires? To make the design light.
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In the radio goods store, LEDs are purchased, the size and color to taste. A box for two AA batteries and the thinnest wire they have is also purchased there, no more than 0.2 mm. The operating voltage of the LEDs is three volts, so there is no need to fence the stabilization circuit. Solder the wires to the diode, insulate the leads with hot-melt adhesive so that there is no short circuit.
We carry out such a procedure with all the diodes. We check the correct installation, connect to three volts, mark the wire plus with a marker. After embedding the diodes in the dress, we twist all the wires plus together, we also do it with a minus and connect it to the box with batteries. This is the most budget option, and easy to execute. If you are more interested in connecting with an LED strip, unsubscribe.
Good afternoon! And where are all these components you can buy?
I will add, the current consumption of LEDs from 10 mA (red glow), up to 30 mA (blue or white glow) is at about 3 Volts. Those. two AA batteries connected in series (3 Volts) will pull from 100 (red light) to 30 (blue or white) connected in parallel, within an hour (this is very approximately, it all depends on the battery manufacturer).
P.S. The yellow and green LEDs are between red and blue, i.e. they can be connected 70 - 50 pcs.
You can hem phosphor fiber. We offer a flexible plastic fluorescent (phosphor) cord, the cord glows with bright colors in ultraviolet light, it is used for decorative decoration of various rooms, including sensory, children's rooms, decoration of items and clothes. Cord diameter: 2-6 mm. Colors: red, raspberry, orange, blue, blue, green, lemon.