How to choose a driver for an LED lamp and determine the parameters of an existing driver?

Vladimir asks:
Hello ! Please tell me if it is possible to select the LED driver for the ASD 36W LED raster lamp. The catch is that the lamp is made like a cheap Chinese craft. The driver in it not only does not have those. data, it is generally a chip, dressed in a white plastic box, such as a 16 x 20 channel cable. Is it possible with the help of a tester and some measurements of this driver to calculate its tech. characteristics ?

Say, if you measure his resistance, will it give us anything? Or if you measure the resistance of the LEDs themselves? In electronics, I'm not very. What do you think, should I choose a replacement for this driver?


The answer to the question:
Hello! Why choose a replacement? Well oh well, measuring resistance will not do anything, if you're interested - google or study the driver circuitry. There is a 90% probability that a transformerless pulse step-down transformer. LEDs also have no resistance, by definition.

To calculate the parameters - turn on the lamp and measure the output current of the driver (in the gap of one of the wires that go from the driver to the LEDs, turn on the ammeter or multimeter in this mode), and the voltage on the load.

But be careful, if I was not mistaken and it is transformerless, it means that there is no galvanic isolation and you can be shocked.

If this is the driver, that is, the current source, then you should not “drive” it at idle, that is, when nothing is connected to it. After making the above measurements, you will find out the main parameters by which the drivers are selected - current and voltage, except when buying a driver you will see that the voltage range is indicated, that is, the characteristics can be of the type:

  • I = 300 mA
  • U = 6 ... 18 V
  • Pmin = 2W
  • Pmax = 4W

(approximate and conditional)

This means that the driver produces a stable current of 300 mA, in the range from 6 to 18 V, the minimum power with which it works is 2 W, and the maximum is 4. These parameters will have a driver to which you can connect from 2 to 4 LEDs with power at 1 watts.

But what is the light source in your lamp? Judging by the photo in the store, it seemed that these are aluminum strips with LEDs. They can be powered by a voltage source, not a current, then the characteristics of such a power source indicate (for example, PSU for LED strips):

  • V = 12V
  • I = 10A

This means that it can give a stable voltage of 12V at a load that consumes something from 0 to 10 amperes.



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